Publisher Bands - Caps

Publisher Bands - Caps

What does it do?

This enables the user to set variable cap limits on a specific value.

1Set Default rates if lead falls outside of bandsUsers can set a catch-all payout and cap amount
2Set payouts per bandUsers can set the CPL payout per payout band that has been created
3Set caps on specific bands Users can set the cap amount per payout band that has been created

Who would use it?


Why would they use this feature?

It gives them the ability to limit the number of leads with a certain CTA or with a specific value and feed this back in real-time to the publishers 

Key Talking Points

  • Better lead cap management
  • Better control over publisher lead distribution

An example of how it would be implemented?

B2B Example 

If the agency is delivering an EMEA campaign, the client may have set criteria that they only want a certain amount of leads from each country.

for instance, if the cap for the campaign was 100 and they had to deliver leads for the UK, Germany, France and Spain, they want to have the leads distributed evenly across the countries.

The breakdown would typically be 25 for each, therefore, totalling 100 leads. By having this in place it stops publisher from sending leads just from one country and stoping that retrospective headache from the client.

Once set up it works the same as with other campaigns where the leads that go over this limit for the cap will not be billable for the publishers eg on the 26th lead from either of the countries from the publisher Huson these will not be billable for them.

B2C Example

A different applied example would be If the agency were delivering an automotive campaign and the client wanted a breakdown for test drives and brochure to be a 50/50 split.

The same logic applies from the above example the publisher will only be paid for 50 billable leads for both payout bands.

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