Publisher Over Delivery

Publisher Over Delivery

What does it do?

This feature is here to allow users of the platform to determine if they would like to hold the over-delivery of leads based on the campaign cap.

For example, if you have a campaign of 100 leads with 2 publishers assigned to the campaign each has an individual cap of 50 each, let's call this publisher A and Publisher B.

In the scenario where Publisher A delivers 100 valid leads to the campaign by having this setting on this will prevent Publisher A from delivering the whole campaign and only delivering the 50 leads, they have been assigned.

When this happens leads will go into the processor status of On-Hold - Publisher Over Delivery

In this scenario, if this setting was switched off Publisher A would deliver all 100 leads however this would prevent Publisher B from delivering their 50 leads. From a revenue point of view, the platform would say the campaign is delivered but in essence 50 leads being free of charge due to the over delivery from Publisher A.



Acceptance Criteria



Acceptance Criteria



Users can configure this setting to be Yes or No

If this setting is set to Yes leads that are over delivered will be held and If this setting is set to No this leads will be delivered as per normal

What use case(s) does this apply to?


Why would clients find this useful?

Clients would find this feature useful as it allows more control on the delivery of leads for their Publishers and Lead Generators.

As it helps them manage their publisher better and prevent them from over-delivering on campaigns etc which for publisher users is seen as giving away free leads.

Key Talking Points

If the scenario comes up where a customer is having issues around managing publisher caps this feature can be utilised.

The main talking point should be focused on that the product will allow the user to guarantee that publisher would be able to only deliver the number of leads that have been agreed upon before assigning budget etc

Also, this gives this user the opportunity to gain an extra budget from any additional leads that have been granted to sell to the customer.

How to switch on



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