Click Data
What does it do?
Gives the user the option to pass through additional parameters on the publisher tracking link or by using the landing page parameters (lpp_value) lead which they can report on
Who would use it?
Publisher and Clients
Why would clients find this useful?
To help them with reporting and understanding their traffic better which it turn can help improve performance.
An example of how it would be implemented?
The user flow would work like this:
- Publisher or Client would use a email automation platform or an Adserver to broadcast a communication
- Publisher or Client would use our publisher tracking and embed it within the broadcast to push traffic to a Convertr landing page
- Publisher or Client would typically pass through parameters such as UTM_source etc
- Publisher or Client would then use this information to report on optimising their communication strategy
- Normally this information can be gathered by exporting from the platform or it can be triggered by using lead tags to fire a conversion to a 3rd party source.
An example of what possible be embedded:
Below shows how the above publisher tracking link information would be stored on the lead.
Alternatively if the user wants to push a parameter onto the destination URL they can use our landing page parameters (lpp_value), publisher tend to do this when they use a conversion tag to scrape the URL rather than wanting Convertr to fire a tag.