Lead Export (Global and Campaign)

Lead Export (Global and Campaign)

What does it do?

This feature allows users to export all lead data 

ActionDescriptionAcceptance Criteria

The user can set to choose the status of the leads the user would like to export. Delivered, Invalid, Valid, Caution, Test, Billable and All

When the user select's:

  • Delivered -  this will export any leads that have a delivered status of true (regardless of the lead being valid or invalid). 
  • Invalid - This will on export leads that have a current status of Invalid
  • Valid - This will on export leads that have a current status of Valid 
  • Caution - This will on export leads that have a current status of Caution
  • Test - This will on export leads that have a current status of Test
  • Billable - This will on export leads that have a current status of billable (leads that are valid and delivered)
  • All - This will export all leads (regardless of lead status).
2Start & End Date The user can set a start & end date to filter onThe user can specify a start & end date to filter the leads on the is filtered on the lead created timestamp. The maximum duration of the report is 12 months if the user selects a longer duration. Validation will prompt preventing this selection
3Export OrderThe user can set the order of the leads by Newest to Oldest or Oldest to newest based on the lead created timestamp[pThe user will be able to export the lead report in Ascending or Descending order.
4Filter by Advertiser (global only)The user can filter the leads by one or all advertisersWhen filtering on the global lead export the user will be able to select a single advertiser to filter on.
5Campaign (global only)The user can filter the leads by one or many campaignsWhen filtering on the global lead export the user will be able to filter leads by selecting one or many campaigns.
6Filter by PublisherThe user can filter the leads by one or many publishersWhen filtering on the user will be able to select a single publisher to filter on.
7Flag Filter  (campaign only)The user can filter the leads by QA jobs the leads passed or failed on
8Column Exports (campaign only)The user can specify the specific columns they want to export or the user can export all columns.
9TemplatesThe user can save/load/delete templates for the fields they would like to export.
10Data Field Selection and editingThe user can drag and drop their field selections to the output section while additionally, they can edit the order and the naming of any fields.

Who would use it?


Why would clients find this useful?

Key Talking Points

An example of how it would be implemented?