Scheduled Delivery Overview

Scheduled Delivery Overview

Platform URL


API Endpoints

Retrieve all schedules on a campaign


Retrieve all payout bands available on campaign

GET /api/v4/campaign-payout-bands?itemsPerPage=50&page=1&campaign.id={campaignId}

Enabling/Disabling Scheduled delivery on campaign

PUT /api/v4/campaigns/{campaignId}

Retrieve all leads pending Scheduled Delivery

GET /api/v4/scheduled-delivery-pending-leads?page=1&itemsPerPage=100&scheduledDeliverySchedule.id={scheduleId}

Download all leads pending Scheduled Delivery

POST /api/v4/scheduled-delivery-pending-leads/download

Retrieve all leads sent via Scheduled Delivery

GET /api/v4/scheduled-delivery-delivered-schedule-leads?page=1&itemsPerPage=100&scheduledDeliveryDeliveredSchedule.scheduledDeliverySchedule.id={scheduleId}

Download all leads sent via Scheduled Delivery

POST /api/v4/scheduled-delivery-delivered-schedule-leads/download



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@Danny Hannah @Adam Carter

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@Arunima Kurup Prasad

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Scheduled Delivery

Feature Overview

Scheduled Delivery is a campaign level functionality that enables customers to configure a timeframe for when they want leads to be delivered. The configuration to enable Scheduled Delivery is available in Campaign > Admin menu.

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 10.52.12.png

The toggle to enable scheduled delivery is disabled by default and can be enabled by Admin/Agency users.

When Scheduled Delivery is enabled on a campaign, it adds a new process flow to delivery. This involves processing the leads coming into the platform, holding them in the scheduler until the configured time, when the leads are released and batched or if applicable, integration jobs are run.

Setting a Schedule for Lead Delivery

With Scheduled Delivery, customers can choose the leads to be delivered in the following timeframes:

  • Daily

    • Leads can be scheduled to be sent daily at a particular hour of the day on a daily basis or at an interval of 'x' (configurable) number of days

  • Weekly

    • Leads can be scheduled to be sent at a particular hour on selected day(s) of the week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday etc.) on a weekly basis or at an interval of 'x' (configurable) number of weeks

  • Monthly

    • Leads can be scheduled to be sent at a particular hour on selected day of the month (First day of the month, Last day of the month excluding weekends etc.) on a monthly basis or at an interval of 'x' (configurable) number of months

Using Scheduled Delivery, leads are scheduled to be delivered at different times and at different intervals. The schedule is configured using the ‘configuration’ widget available in the ‘Schedule’ column on the Scheduled Delivery page.

Scheduled delivery can be based on Campaign type or Publisher type. The type of scheduled delivery can be set by selecting the appropriate radio options available against ‘Type’ on the Scheduled Delivery page:

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 14.30.43.png


More information on working of campaign based and publisher based scheduled delivery is available in: Campaign Type Schedule Configuration and Publisher Type Schedule Configuration

This widget is the basis for both Campaign based Scheduled Delivery and Publisher based Scheduled Delivery and allows us to configure the schedule at various intervals as explained in: Schedule Configuration

Scheduling of leads

The below is a step by step description of how scheduled delivery works on a campaign.

  1. Enable Scheduled Delivery

Scheduled delivery can be enabled on a campaign by enabling the ‘Scheduled Delivery’ toggle on the Scheduled delivery page.

  1. Configuring the Type of Scheduled Delivery

As mentioned earlier in the document, Scheduled delivery can be based on Campaign type or Publisher type. The type of scheduled delivery can be set by selecting the appropriate radio options available against ‘Type’ on the Scheduled Delivery page.


It is possible to switch between the 2 types even if the schedule is live, by switching between the radio buttons.

  1. Configuring the schedule widget

The schedule based on which the leads should be sent is configured using the Schedule widget. For campaign based scheduled delivery, the same schedule applies to all leads coming into the campaign. For publisher based scheduled delivery, different schedules can be configured for different publishers.

  1. Processing and Scheduling

When leads come into a campaign that has scheduled delivery configured, they will be processed completely as valid, invalid, caution leads.

Valid leads will then be held in the Schedulr until the configured schedule time. During this period, the processr status for the leads will be: “On Hold - Campaign Using Scheduled Delivery”. This status will be visible on the leads table to enable the customer to verify that the schedule has been created.

  1. Pending Schedule

Additionally, the leads held by the Schedulr can be seen in the ‘Pending Schedules’ table by clicking on the ‘View Schedules’ button on the scheduled delivery page.

Clicking on ‘View Schedules’ shows the below modal with 2 tabs: ‘Pending Schedules’ and 'Sent Schedules'.

‘Pending Schedules' shows all valid leads that are held by the Schedulr until the schedule time. It is also possible for the user to download the entire list of leads pending scheduled delivery in a CSV format, by clicking on the 'Download CSV’ button.

The file will be available in the 'Exports' folder from which the user can download it and view.

  1. Sending leads out of Schedulr

When the scheduled time is reached, all leads held in ‘On Hold - Campaign Using Scheduled Delivery’ status will be sent at once. If integration jobs are configured, the leads will be sent to the integration jobs. If Batch integration is configured, the leads will be sent to batch and will be held in ‘On Hold- Pending Batch’ status.

All scheduled leads will be sent at once at the scheduled hour unless the user marks them as undelivered and either reprocesses or flags them as valid to be sent again.

Leads sent can be seen in the ‘Sent Schedules’ table by clicking on the ‘View Schedules’ button on the scheduled delivery page.

Similar to pending schedules, it is possible for the user to download the entire list of leads sent via scheduled delivery in a CSV format, by clicking on the 'Download CSV’ button.

The file will be available in the 'Exports' folder from which the user can download it and view.

Once a lead is successfully delivered via scheduled delivery, the processr status changes to ‘Complete’, the lead is marked as ‘Delivered’ and publisher billable/advertiser billable statuses are updated appropriately.

Scheduled Delivery and Batch processing

When batch integration is to be used with scheduled delivery, it should be ensured that the batch does not overlap with the scheduled time to be sent out. It is recommended that Batch integration is configured to run at least an hour after Schedulr dataset is fully processed.

If a user marks a lead as undelivered, they will need to start the processing step again, marking them as Valid and reprocessing them.

Scheduled Delivery and ‘Always Deliver’

The ‘Always deliver’ functionality supersedes the Scheduled Delivery configurations on a campaign. Schedule configuration will be ignored and the leas will be delivered to the integration if 'Always deliver’ is configured on the integration job.


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