Value Transforms

Value Transforms

Platform URL


API Endpoints

Enable/Disable Value Transforms

PUT /api/v4/campaigns/{campaignId}

Load Value Transforms

GET /api/v4/campaign-value-transform-values?itemsPerPage=5&page=1&field.id=0&order%5Bid%5D=asc&campaign.id={campaignId}

GET /api/v4/lead-data-fields?itemsPerPage=10&source%5B%5D=publisher&source%5B%5D=Connected%20App

Update Value Transform details

PUT /api/v4/campaign-value-transform-fields/{valueTransformId}

Save Transform Fields and Values

POST /api/v4/campaign-value-transform-fields

POST /api/v4/campaign-value-transform-values

Delete Transform Field-Value

DELETE /api/v4/campaign-value-transform-values/{transformId}

Load Manipulate value transforms

GET /api/v4/campaign-value-manipulate-values?page=1&itemsPerPage=5&field.id=2&order%5Bid%5D=asc

GET api/v4/lead-data-fields?itemsPerPage=10&source%5B%5D=publisher&source%5B%5D=Connected%20App

Load Preview for Manipulate type

POST api/v4/advertiser-value-manipulate-preview

Save Manipulate Fields and Values

POST /api/v4/campaign-value-transform-fields

POST /api/v4/campaign-value-manipulate-values

Delete Manipulate Fields and Values

DELETE /api/v4/campaign-value-manipulate-values/{manipulateValueTransformId}

Deleting Value Transforms

DELETE /api/v4/campaign-value-transform-fields/{valuetransformId}



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@Danny Hannah @Adam Carter

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@Arunima Kurup Prasad

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Value Transformations

Feature Overview

Value Transforms can be defined in the platform at the Advertiser level and at the campaign level. Please refer to Value Transformations to understand about Value Transforms at the Advertiser level. This section describes Value Transforms at the campaign level.

Campaign level value transforms can be accessed from Campaign > Admin menu.

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 14.04.22.png

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 16.04.23.png

The Value Transforms table has the following fields:



Enable Value Transforms

Unless the toggle is enabled, the value transforms will not be enabled on the campaign


Unique ID of the value transform


Name of the Value Transform

Original Name

It is possible to add multiple mail ids

New Name

Original Name of the field on which Value Transform is being applied


Value Transform Type- Manipulate/Transform


Number of transforms/manipulation values configured


Order in which the value transforms must be applied

Last Updated

Date/time the value transform was last updated


Edit option

The following functionalities are available for Value Transforms:

i. Add

ii. Delete

iii. Edit

iv. Import

v. Enable Value Transforms

The working of Add, Delete, Edit of Value Transforms is similar to that in the Advertisers > Value Transformations section. Please refer the section for details.


At the advertiser level multiple Value transforms may be created and grouped together, as shown below.

In the above image, the given Advertiser has 4 different Value Transform fields. They are grouped into 2 Value transform groups as shown.

For the given advertiser, the value transform groups may be reused at the campaign level without having to create the same value transforms at the campaign level. This can be done using the ‘Import’ functionality available in Campaign > Admin > Value Transforms.

When the 'Import' button is clicked, the below modal opens which shows all Value Transform groups available at the Advertiser level.

The user can select the required groups and Import them onto the campaign. Once the value transforms are imported, they will be available in the value transforms table.

The values in the table may be edited using the pen icon available or usimg the ‘Edit’option against each value transform.

Enable Value Transforms

Although Value Transforms may be created at campaign level or imported from advertiser level, they will not work until the ‘Enable Value Transforms’ toggle is enabled/turned ON.

Once the toggle is enabled, the user gets the below success message.

Similarly, if the toggle is disabled, they will see the below message.

However, disabling the toggle does not remove any of the value transforms configurations already created/imported. Any value transforms and manipulation configurations will persist even if the feature is toggled off.

Once the value transforms are created/imported and the toggle is enabled, the user must ensure the QA job for Value Transforms is configured on the campaign for the value transforms to run.

Configuring Value Transforms job on campaign

Working of Value Transforms on a campaign

The below 2 value transforms are configured on a campaign.

Value Transform type: Transform

In the above example, companysize field is transformed to new field with name company_size_new.

Here, we supply typical values for company size range separated with a hyphen and transform it to a new value that uses ‘to’ instead of '-'

Value Transform type: Manipulate

The second value transform is applied to telephone field and uses the ‘Find and Replace’ manipulation to replace ‘-', '+’ and space in the telephone field, with null.

The ‘Value Transforms’ QA job is enabled on the campaign and leads are imported to the campaign. During processing, the ‘Processr Status’ column shows ‘On Hold- Awaiting Value Transforms’ while value transforms are being applied.

The below lead view shows the result of value transform on the lead.

Here, the original field is companysize and value supplied is 500-1000 The ‘Value Transforms’ section shows the result of the transform. A new field company_size_new is created and contains the value 500 to 1000.

Similarly, the original value in ‘phone’ contains ‘-' The ‘Value Transforms’ section shows the result of the manipulation. A new field updated telephone is created and does not contain '-’.

The below example shows the case where a Value Transform has failed on a lead, causing the lead to become invalid.

The message shows that no values were found to match the value transform for company size.

When we look at the lead view, the company size supplied is 1-100

However, in the Value Transforms configuration, there is no transform available for this value.

Hence, the lead was marked as invalid as there was no matching transform available. If the Value Transforms toggle is disabled and the leads are reprocessed, the leads would become valid and billable.


Summarise the functionalities in a table


User Story


User Story


Add Value Transforms

Admin and Agency users can add value transform values using the Add button, to create new fields by transforming or manipulating the value in the core fields or form fields


Edit Value Transforms

Admin and Agency users can edit value transform values using the Edit button or the pen icon available


Delete Value Transforms

Admin and Agency users can delete multiple value transform values using the Delete button


Import Value Transforms

Admin and Agency users can import value transform groups available at Advertiser level so that they need not be created again at campaign level


Enable Value Transforms

Admin and Agency users can enable/disable value transforms at the campaign level. Disabling the toggle does not remove any configured Value transforms.



Pagination is available on the value transforms table


Table Filtering

Allows the user to filter the table values using

 User Permissions

Only Admin and Agency users have access to Campaign Value Transforms.


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