Report Builder Overview

Report Builder Overview

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@Danny Hannah @Adam Carter

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@Danny Hannah

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Report Builder is designed to allow clients to build and configure their own automated reports from the Convertr platform.

As each client has different data, and users are across different verticals - the development team can often be inundated with reporting requirements which are very specific to a single client which become complex and difficult to manage. The report builder would allow for complex reports to be configured, scheduled and available as a CSV download all from within the platform interface.


  • The Report Builder allows users to ‘Add’ new reports by either using the available templates or manually create their own Campaign Reports and Lead Reports.

  • Reports created can be marked as private- not available to other users or public- for other users to Import and use.

  • Report Builder facilitates setting up of a report in a number of steps:

    • Setup - adding basic details such as name, date range for the report, password etc.

    • Delivery - adding details such as file type, delivery type, scheduling etc. of the report being generated

    • Fields - selecting the fields required in the report, also possible to rename fields

    • Conditions - adding rules to filter the data being reported on

    • Grouping - select grouping to group leads by publisher bands or publishers etc.

    • Custom Fields - ability to add static values to be displayed in the report

  • Once created, it is also possible to edit any parameter of the report, in any of the above steps

  • Users can either schedule reports to be generated at a particular time or use a Generate button to manually generate the report whenever required

  • Generated reports will be available in the Exports folder of the platform

  • Unwanted reports may also be deleted



User Story


User Story

Choose key data to be available in my report

As a report builder user, I should be able to choose all data which is available on any lead within the system

Customise order of my report

As a report builder user, I should be able to drag and drop the fields I require and order them into an order I am happy with

Customise columns of the report

As a report builder user, once I have chosen my fields to report on, I should be able to set the columns for the generated file

Set filtering criteria

As a report builder user, once I have chosen the fields I wish to report on, I should be able to set criteria to filter the data. I should be able to perform filters on the data itself (for example filter by emailDomain) but then also on campaign criteria such as start and end dates and campaign id

Set grouping functionality

As a report builder user, I should be able to add grouping capabilities to the report. This would be useful if I wanted to see how many leads I have in a campaign for example. I would expect to set some basic MySQL functions on a column (such as COUNT() and SUM()) and then choose how to group the data.

Delivery of report

As a report builder user, I should be able to download the report on demand. I would also like to be able to schedule the delivery of the report on a recurring schedule.

I would like to be notified when my report is generated and then be able to download it from the Exports tab within the platform

Private and public reports

As a report builder user, I would like to be able to have reports that only my user can see, but also like to be able to share the report settings with the rest of my enterprise.

If my report is set to public then other users should be able to “import” my report and use it as their own.

FTP & Email deliver to non-users

As report builder user, I should be able to send reports to non-platform users so they do not have to log into the platform to get the download.

I would also like to have the choice of being able to send the file to an FTP/SFTP/FTPS server.

User Permissions

Access to Report Builder is restricted to unmasked Admins, unmasked Agency users and unmasked Report users.


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