Publisher Edit Data Feedback
This document is to collect feedback in relation to the feature that will allow Publishers to Edit Data within the platform.
Who (Name of Client) | Feedback Provided | Further Thoughts from |
twogether (Agency use case) | It’s not actually something we want – We can easily manage updates from a publisher and giving them the ability to amend data once it’s through would cause us issues. Is there’s an error, it means the data has gone through already to the clients’ systems, and an update would mean we see different info to what they do and that would cause more investigations and work. If the ability for publishers to edit their lead data, once delivered, is implemented can it include a function to turn this off in isolation from a campaign level or advertiser level? Not with the allow publishers to download their info, as a separate option? So we can stop this happening. Our request would be to amend lead data in bulk, once it’s been delivered. I know this is a delicate issue, but we have times set-up is slightly wrong, etc. and need to amend leads in bulk. We do manage this now, with value transforms and bulk reprocess, which is actually working quite well, so it’s not critical to us now. |
HP | In relation to timeframes on when data can be edited. HP run campaigns that are open ended as well as time-capped and thus would opt to be able to edit data for both instances, they also said that only invalid data should be editable. HP are not concerned about the number of edits on specific data. HP stated what is more important is the logging of the changes for the purpose of auditing. HP suggested that the ability to select the fields that can or can’t be edited. As this ability would be useful across campaigns - the ability to duplicate these field rules when duplicating a campaign would also be helpful. HP would like to be able to toggle editing on/off at a campaign level with all functionality being the same for all publishers. | MVP discussed would involve View >Edit > Flag > Reprocess flow of data V2 could potentially include inline editing of leads |
DWA | DWA have a process that fits with smaller batches of leads being added to a campaign by Publishers (50-200 in some cases). It was clear that DWA set defined rules for their Publishers which need to be maintained by Publishers, This is in order to optimise the time/efforts of the DWA team. The would be happy with Publishers editing line by line however understand that a Bulk editing functionality could be beneficial for Publishers. The suggested the ability to cherry pick values to be changed from selected rows would be useful (it was agreed this would likely involve a filtering configuration and would most likely be outside the scope of an mvp). DWA commented that a change log that detailed what was edited, when and by who would be a useful feature.
Oracle |
Acquisition Inc |
Info Group | Suggestions that arose included ensuring the Campaign creation toggle should sit within the workflow of the setup rather than having to add further configuration afterwards. Easy accessibility was key. Info group seemed concerned with the number of ‘clicks’ needed to navigate within the platform. In relation to logging of edited data, they would want to know when any action had been taken. They understood that Bulk editing may provide value but also stated that the lead programs they run have a level of complexity eg. High value low volume mixed with High volume low value - hence hard to say if one rule for all would work. |