Live Telephone
Database lookup
The service provides the most up-to-date results available throughout the world. Phone numbers are verified for accuracy and reliability. Use Phone Number Validation to receive location information for the phone number, including identification of the country, city, and state or province. The service also provides geocodes, which give you more insight into a contact record by returning the exact time zone and UTC for every telephone number in your database, so calls can be made at optimal times. Additionally, learn more about your customer’s phone numbers by determining if they are mobile, VOIP, free phone, or landline, and discover what carrier the phone is supported by.
Number: | 442036177659 | Country Code: | 44 |
International Prefix: | 00 | National Prefix: | 0 |
NDC: | 20 | SN From: | 36170000 |
SN To: | 36179999 | Uses NDC: | true |
Number Type: | LandLine | Carrier Name: | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd |
Language: | en | Country Code: | 826 |
Country ISO: | GB | Region Code: | LND |
Region Name: | City of London | City: | London |
Timezone: | Europe/London | UTC: | +00:00 |
DST: | true | Latitude: | 51.5099198899198 |
Longitude: | -0.1274642611292631 | Error Code: | NoError |
Database lookup on Identify format Format international numbers and catch incorrect numbers
Data 8
Live UK Landline
Our service is a fast and efficient method to validate which UK landline numbers are live. By using the telephone network in real-time, we can tell if a number is available to dial, without making it ring!
Mobile lookup
Our real-time Mobile Number Validation service is a fast and efficient method to validate which mobile numbers are still live. We can also tell you additional pieces of information such as the network they are on, whether the phone is switched on, the country the phone is registered to and even the country the phone is currently located in.
Live international telephone check.
Country | Coverage Level | Country | Coverage Level | Country | Coverage Level | Country | Coverage Level |
Afghanistan | 1 | Guadeloupe | 2 | Netherlands | 2 | United States | 2 |
Albania | 1 | Hong Kong | 1 | New Zealand | 2 | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 2 |
Algeria | 1 | Hungary | 1 | Nigeria | 1 | Uzbekistan | 1 |
Andorra | 1 | Iran | 1 | Norway | 2 | Venezuela | 1 |
Armenia | 2 | Iraq | 1 | Pakistan | 1 | Western Sahara | 1 |
Australia | 2 | Ireland | 2 | Poland | 2 | Yemen | 1 |
Austria | 2 | Israel | 1 | Portugal | 2 | Zimbabwe | 2 |
Bahrain | 1 | Italy | 1 | Qatar | 1 | ||
Belarus | 1 | Japan | 1 | Reunion | 2 | ||
Belgium | 2 | Jordan | 1 | Russia | 1 | ||
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2 | Kazakhstan | 1 | Saint Barthélemy | 2 | ||
Brazil | 1 | Kuwait | 1 | Saint Martin | 2 | ||
Brunei | 1 | Latvia | 2 | Saudi Arabia | 1 | ||
Bulgaria | 1 | Lebanon | 1 | Senegal | 1 | ||
Canada | 2 | Liberia | 1 | Singapore | 1 | ||
China | 1 | Libya | 1 | Slovakia | 2 | ||
Christmas Island | 2 | Liechtenstein | 2 | Slovenia | 2 | ||
Cocos Islands | 2 | Lithuania | 1 | Solomon Islands | 1 | ||
Croatia | 1 | Luxembourg | 1 | South Africa | 1 | ||
Czech Republic | 1 | Macedonia | 1 | Spain | 2 | ||
Denmark | 1 | Malaysia | 1 | Suriname | 1 | ||
Estonia | 2 | Malta | 1 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 2 | ||
Finland | 1 | Martinique | 2 | Sweden | 2 | ||
France | 2 | Mauritius | 1 | Switzerland | 2 | ||
French Guiana | 2 | Mayotte | 2 | Thailand | 1 | ||
Germany | 2 | Mexico | 1 | Turkey | 1 | ||
Ghana | 1 | Moldova | 1 | Uganda | 1 | ||
Gibraltar | 1 | Monaco | 1 | Ukraine | 1 | ||
Greece | 2 | Montenegro | 1 | United Arab Emirates | 1 | ||
Greenland | 1 | Morocco | 1 | United Kingdom | 3 |
Coverage levels are classified as:
Coverage Level | Description |
1 | STD or Area code. Validates the length of the number and that it falls within a recognised area code. |
2 | Exchange. As level 1 plus additional checking of the first digits following the area code to ensure it falls within a recognised exchange area. |
3 | Full number. The entire number is validated live. Requires this service to be used in conjunction with our land-line number validation service. Most other countries can also be validated to this level for mobile numbers when used in conjunction with our mobile number validation service. |