This is an insights tool that helps the user analysis the lead data entering the platform, the user can apply filters using the form filed names on a campaign.
Action | Description | |
1 | View Billable leads across campaigns | Users are able to view dashboard widgets that detail the number of billable leads that are related to a campaign. This includes Total leads for the Month, Valid Leads, Invalid Leads, Delivered Leads |
2 | View Revenue across campaigns | Users are able to view dashboard widgets that detail the amount of revenue generated across active Campaigns. This includes Total Revenue for the Month, Impressions, Click data as a %, Conversion as a % and Billable Revenue as a % |
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Who would use it?
Publisher, Agency & clients users
An example of how it would be implemented?
View filemultimedia name How to Use Insights - Editor.mp4 height 250 Multimedia name How to Use Insights - Editor.mp4
Key Talking Points:
If clients are interested in seeing Revenue,
1.First the user would specify the data set of the campaign they have run.