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twogether | It’s not actually something we want – We can easily manage updates from a publisher and giving them the ability to amend data once it’s through would cause us issues. Is there’s an error, it means the data has gone through already to the clients’ systems, and an update would mean we see different info to what they do and that would cause more investigations and work. If the ability for publishers to edit their lead data, once delivered, is implemented can it include a function to turn this off in isolation from a campaign level or advertiser level? Not with the allow publishers to download their info, as a separate option? So we can stop this happening. Our request would be to amend lead data in bulk, once it’s been delivered. I know this is a delicate issue, but we have times set-up is slightly wrong, etc. and need to amend leads in bulk. We do manage this now, with value transforms and bulk reprocess, which is actually working quite well, so it’s not critical to us now. | |