What does it do?
Users are able to:
- Assign Publisher to a campaign
- Manage Publisher CPL and Caps (For 1 or many Payout Bands)
- Email all publishers via the interface
- Distribute tracking information
- Tracking links
- Impression tags
- API credentials
- Manage Contracts
What Uses cases does this apply to?
Why would they use this feature?
The publisher management section allows admin and agency users to manage their publisher network via the platform.
In most user examples this process is typically handled manually using excel spreadsheets etc what we offer is the ability for them to automate a lot of the processes they currently do.
KeyTalking Points
- Publisher management
- Setting and payout rates from a centralised point allow them to improve their internal processes
- Can add/remove publisher instantly to a campaign
- Submitting Lead Data to the platform is a unified process
- Gives the publisher a real-time view of campaign delivery.
- Reduction on data handling
- Reduction in manual reporting
- Papertrail of lead delivery agreements
- Ability to manage multiple scenarios in one campaign (payout bands)
- the typical scenario for this would be setting a different cap and payout rate by Country.
An example of how it would be implemented?
The Whys?
Why do they need to use publisher management?
Why do they need to have reporting on publishers?
The Hows?
Product Documentation
Walkmes on it
Product needs to review naming conventions in the platformIn the below example you can see the implementation of a single publisher that is assigned to a campaign, that has multiple payout bands assigned for that publisherÂ
Example of adding a publisher to a campaign
Example of the tracking Tab
Example of Managing Contracts
Example of sending an Email