For the Batch integration, users have the option to customise the emails which are sent by the platform.
Within the configuration at the bottom users will see this.
Subject - this is the subject of the email, the default is:
##enterpriseName## Action - ##campaignName## (##campaignId##) - Download Lead Batch Integration Report
Title - Is the Title of the email Body, the default is:
##enterpriseName## Action
Sub_Title- , Is the Sub Title of the email,the default is:
##campaignName## (##campaignId##) - Download Lead Batch Integration Report
Body - This is an editable section where the user can input text to populate the email.
With the configuration, they have the option to use the below as dynamic placeholders:
enterprise name - ##enterpriseName##
advertiser name = ##advertiserName##
campaign name - ##campaignName##
campaign id - ##campaignId##
Example email
Here is a full example of the feature implemented.