For Admin, Super admin, Report user and Unmasked agency user we have introduced a new metric to filter by in Report Builder. These users will now be able to filer Campaign and Lead reports based on Date metrics. This new Metric option will be available in the ‘Setup’ tab of Add Report or Edit Report within Report Builder.
The date metrics that have been included for report generation for Campaign reports are:
Metrics to be available for Campaign Type reports
Campaign creation date (This will generate reports based on the date from which a Campaign was created)
Campaign updated date (This will generate reports based on the date on which a Campaign was updated)
Campaign start and end date. (This will generate a report based on Start and End dates, this option will be selected by default in the dropdown in the report template.)
The date metrics that have been included for report generation for Campaign reports are:
Metrics to be available for Lead Type reports
Lead creation date (This will generate a Lead report based on when Leads were created. This field will be selected by default in the dropdown in the report template)
Lead status updated date (This will generate Leads reports based on the date a leads status was updated.)
Lead first delivered date This will generate a Lead report based on the date in which a Lead was Delivered.