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Once you've requested an access token, you'll be able to start making some queries to the API. 

Collection responses

A collection is a listing of objects, for example /api/v4/campaigns will show you a list of available campaigns. Using the .jsonld extension you'll be able to see more context about the api end point, such as supported filters and ordering options. For example:

    "@context": "/api/v4/contexts/Campaign",
    "@id": "/api/v4/campaigns",
    "@type": "hydra:Collection",
    "hydra:member": [
            "@id": "/api/v4/campaigns/44001",
            "@type": "Campaign",
            "id": 44001,
            "name": "B2B Demo Q2 2017",
            "startTs": "2016-04-01T00:00:00+00:00",
            "endTs": "2017-11-30T23:59:59+00:00",
            "statistics": {
                "total_leads": "4",
                "invalid_leads": "2",
                "valid_leads": "2",
                "billable_leads": "2"
            "@id": "/api/v4/campaigns/44004",
            "@type": "Campaign",
            "id": 44004,
            "name": "B2B Demo Q1 2018",
            "startTs": "2017-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
            "endTs": "2018-12-31T23:59:59+00:00",
            "statistics": {
                "total_leads": "1116",
                "invalid_leads": "437",
                "valid_leads": "679",
                "billable_leads": "673"
    "hydra:totalItems": 2,
    "hydra:view": {
        "@id": "/api/v4/campaigns.jsonld?id%5B%5D=44001&id%5B%5D=44004&access_token=YmFkMGNiNWI0N2Q1YjQyY2M3YzI2YjY5MjkzNTAyZmI4Nzg0YjA5NWM5YzIyZjIzOWU0ODE2NDUwZGQ5NWRmNw",
        "@type": "hydra:PartialCollectionView"
    "hydra:search": {
        "@type": "hydra:IriTemplate",
        "hydra:template": "/api/v4/campaigns.jsonld{?id,id[],name,order[id],order[name],createdTs[before],createdTs[strictly_before],createdTs[after],createdTs[strictly_after],updatedTs[before],updatedTs[strictly_before],updatedTs[after],updatedTs[strictly_after],startTs[before],startTs[strictly_before],startTs[after],startTs[strictly_after],endTs[before],endTs[strictly_before],endTs[after],endTs[strictly_after]}",
        "hydra:variableRepresentation": "BasicRepresentation",
        "hydra:mapping": [
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "id",
                "property": "id",
                "required": false
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "id[]",
                "property": "id",
                "required": false
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "name",
                "property": "name",
                "required": false
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "order[id]",
                "property": "id",
                "required": false
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "order[name]",
                "property": "name",
                "required": false
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "createdTs[before]",
                "property": "createdTs",
                "required": false

Under the "hydra:search" property, you'll you'll see a template result which shows all available options which can be passed through to the end point.

Under "hydra:mapping", you'll notice a detailed breakdown of each of the template items, whether it's required and what property it applies too. Some example requests are as follows:

Get full collection:

GET https://{enterprise}***

The following request will filter the collection by a single id, or the second example will filter by multiple campaign ids.

GET https://{enterprise}***
GET https://{enterprise}[]=44001&id[]=44000&access_token=***

Changing the ordering of the collection to order the results by id descending.

GET https://{enterprise}[id]=desc&access_token=***

You can, of course, combine both multiple ordering options and filters to make your request very specific.

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