Current Workflow:
For Eloqua Integration jobs in Integration (Create/Update Eloqua Integration & Integrate with Eloqua) we have a Get Eloqua Token button.
Once the user enters the details in the api
section and clicks on Get Eloqua Token, a new window is opened to fetch the Eloqua Token and on successful authentication, the token is directly saved in to the Processr database. Once the user is back on Processr configuration page, user need not click on Save button to save the changes.
New Workflow:
Once the user enters the details in the api
section and clicks on Get Eloqua Token, a new window is opened to fetch the Eloqua Token as previously. Once the user is back on Processr configuration page, user needs to click on Save button to save the changes.
What has Changed & Why:
Earlier the Get Elogua token triggered page directly saves in to the Processr database without the user clicking on Save button which was wrong. After the new implementation the generated token will be passed on to the Processr Job & once the user clicks on Save, the token is stored.
This workflow will be re-used in Processr migration also which should be the correct behaviour.
Impact on Existing User details / Token: No
Update the Zendesk article:
Not needed. For any changes in job we need to click on Save to Save the details. Earlier it was directly saving the token. Now the Save happens through the processr job. It is understood for a user that after getting the Get token, user needs to click on Save to save the details.