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Platform URL


API Endpoints

Retrieves the collection of Website resources/Creates a Website resource:

GET/POST https://{enterprise}

Retrieves/Removes/Replaces a Website resource:

GET/DELETE/PUT https://{enterprise}{id}


CON-4296 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Document status


Document owner

Adam Carter

Technical writers

Adam Carter

🏠 Feature Overview

The white papers website section allows users to embed our solution onto an external website by implementing various tags that can be added to their website.

This section of the platform can be accessed by navigating to System > Whitepapers > Websites and is accessible only to admin users.

The following functionalities are available in this section:

  1. Website listing page

  2. Add website

  3. Edit website

  4. Delete website

  5. Copy tags

Listing Page

Add Website





Name of the website



The domain you are embedding the tag onto


Category URL

The category URL you are embedding the tag onto


Landing Page URL

The landing page URL you are embedding the tag onto



Deafault: Would display white papers based on when the campaign is ending

Newest: shows the most recent white papers uploaded



You can filter the white papers on this domain by the white papers associated to a certain advertiser


Domain (restrict to Domain)

You can restict the website tag to a specify domain.



This allows you to embed a content block onto the page this can just be a listing block or a carousel.

The below tag will render all live white paper assets (max 5) assigned to a content block.

<script src=""></script>

To reference a single block the tag can be amended by passing the BLOCK ID. If you wish to reference multiple blocks the tag can be amended by passing the block id with a comma in between eg BLOCK ID, BLOCK ID.

The BLOCK ID can be found within the 'Content Blocks' tab.

<script src=""></script>

To display the content block as a carousel, the parameter 'carousel=true' has to passed within the tag, along with this script (see below).

<script src=""></script>

<script src="" integrity="sha256-R7aNzoy2gFrVs+pNJ6+SokH04ppcEqJ0yFLkNGoFALQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The below parameters can be applied to the tag to change autoplay, autoplay speed, click speed and adaptive height:

This controls the carousel to be on a continuous loop. default is 1 (true), 0 (false)

<script src="[autoplay]=1"></script>

This controls the speed of the carousel while on auto play, the default is 3000 (which equates to 3 seconds)

<script src="[autoplaySpeed]=3000"></script>

This controls the speed of carousel when you click the next button, default is 300

<script src="[speed]=300"></script>

This controls the adaptive height, default is 1 (true), 0 (false)

<script src="[adaptiveHeight]=1"></script>

To control the number of white papers assets that can be viewed within the content block, the parameter limit=NUMBER_OF_ASSETS can be passed.

<script src=""></script>

*The locale parameter is used to pass different languages via the tag (optional), the ID for this can be found in the Enterprise > Content Languages section.


This allows you to group the white papers by platform categories.

The below tag will render the 'Category URL' tag. This allows the output of the categories setup within the platform.

<script id="cvtrCatScript" src=""></script>

<div id="cvtrContent"></div>

This allows you to search for a white paper by keyword or advertiser.

The below tag will render the search functionality on your webpage.

<script id="cvtrSearchScript" src="{0} No white papers found based on the search '__keyword__'|{1} Found one white paper based on the search '__keyword__'|]1,Inf[ Found __count__ white papers based on the search '__keyword__'"></script>
<div id="cvtrSearchContent"></div>

To implement the form place the HTML below. Within the form action attribute input your 'Search Results page as this is where your search results will display.

<form action=”[SEARCH-RESULTS-PAGE-URL-HERE]" method="get">
    <input type="text" name="wpSearch" />
    <select name="searcht">
      <option value="">Everything</option>
      <option value="a">Advertiser Name</option>
    <button type="submit">Search</button>

WP Landing

This allows the landing page to be embedded to your website

WP Landin

<script>window.addEventListener("message", function(event) 
{if( == "cvtrRedirect") {window.location.href = "http://wpdemo.test:666/category.html?w=5&locale=1"; } });
<script src="">


This allows you to group the white papers by advertisers

<script id="cvtrAdvScript" src="">
<div id="cvtrContent">

WP by Tag

This allows you to group the white papers by key word tags

The below tag will render the 'WP Tag' tag. This allows the output of the specific white papers that have a tag associated with the asset.

<script id="cvtrTagScript" src="{subcat, cat or leave empty}"></script>
<div id="cvtrTagContent"></div>

To populate the page with specific white papers, without a category or subcategory this can be done by passing the below

<script id="cvtrTagScript" src=""></script>
<div id="cvtrTagContent"></div>

To populate the page with specific white papers, with a category this can be done by passing the below

<script id="cvtrTagScript" src=""></script>
<div id="cvtrTagContent"></div>

To populate the page with specific white papers, with a category or subcategory this can be done by passing the below

<script id="cvtrTagScript" src=""></script>
<div id="cvtrTagContent"></div>


\uD83D\uDDD2 Summary


User Story


Add Website

A user must add a name, Domain,Category URL,Landing Page URL and set a Rotation

Advertisers and Domain are optional filter


Delete Website

A user can delete a website


Edit Website

A user can edit a website


Copy Tag

A user can copy all tag using the clipboard funtion


Custom Tables

A user can add, remove and reset columns for custom table

\uD83D\uDDD2 User Permissions

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