🏠 Feature Overview
Add Agency >> Enter field details + provide write up
Name | Required | Notes |
Include screenshot for Add modal
Delete Agency >> add details
Actions > Edit >> add details + include screenshot of listing screen
Actions > Associate Advertiser >> add details
Actions > Data masking >> add details
🎯 Objective
Provide details of what the feature is trying to resolve.
\uD83E\uDD14 Assumptions
Provide any assumptions/pre requisites that are needed for the feature to work.
\uD83D\uDDD2 Requirements
User Permissions
Requirement | User Story | Importance | Jira Issue | Notes |
\uD83C\uDFA8 User interaction and design
Provide any mocks or wireframes if applicable
>> Add screenshots
Open Questions
Question | Answer | Date Answered |
Out of Scope
Provide any details of additional feature requirements that haven't been scoped.