Global Forms
Add a form:
As a platform user you can Add a Form via the ‘Forms’ sidebar.
To add a Global form you need to click ‘Add’ button when in the ‘Active Forms’ tab.
From here users should be able to view the ‘Setup’ page of the form creation section.
You will be able to ‘Name’ your form and Add/ Edit the url slug for the form. You will also be able to select the ‘Language’ of the form.
It’s important to note that you will have the option to select the Embed Type of your form (the use case for this is predominantly used in B2C use cases). On this tab you can also select if Auto Iframe resizing is enabled. Auto resizing will allow the form iFrame to be resized automatically without having to add custom javascript to resize the iframe.
Form builder:
Fields page tab is where you can build the fields needed for your form.
You can select the ‘Type’ of field you want to use for the form. All the available fields types are displayed in a scrollable dropdown list.
The Name of the field can be edited to your pleasing.
Other useful elements that can be configured include the ability to ‘Enable’ the feild for the form, Select if the form is to be a ‘Require’ field, The ‘Label' for the field can be edited (this label will be what is displayed to the form users when they view the form field input), ‘Placeholder’ can also be edited (This will display to the form user inside the form field input and is ofter used to suggest the format of inputs needed for the form field) and finally you can edit the 'CSS Class' field (This will be the name of the CSS Class.
The 3 icons in each form field box allow you to ‘Delete’ the form field from the form, ‘Move' the form field up and down the ordering hierarchy. The cog wheel opens the ‘Field settings’ modal within this modal you can add and remove ‘Key’ / 'Value’ pairs.
Options allow advanced manipulation of input fields.
To add a new option click the 'Add Item' button, where a row of 2 inputs will appear. Populate the 'Key' with a unique value (passed as a lead value property name) then populate the 'Value' input (will be the visible label on the form for that particular option). Remove an item by clicking the 'Remove Item' button.
Change the order of each item by pressing and holding the 'Move Item' button and dragging the row up or down, or place a row within an existing row to nest the item. Once items are nested, collapse or expand each item tree by pressing the 'Expand/Collapse Item' button, or add an individual item to a parent row using the 'Add Item' button.
Some form fields have been configured to include default ‘Options’ which include key / value fields.
There are particular fields that have default ‘Choices' settings, one example of this is the ‘Optin’ field. These default ‘Choice’ setting can be rearranged, deleted and further values can be added.
Associate a form to a campaign - global level:
When ‘Associating’ a form at a global level to a campaign. You need to first ‘Edit’ the form from the Global Form listings. From the ‘Edit Form’ screen you can select ‘Associate’.
Within the Campaigns drop-down you’ll be able to select from available campaigns. By selecting a campaign and clicking ‘Add’. The Campaign will be associated to the Form.
Once the campaign has been selected you will see all related information in a table below the dropdown.
It is possible to associate campaign to a form when the status of the campaign is ‘Active’ or ‘Ended’. To Remove the campaign association from the form simply click the ‘Remove’ button in the ‘Associate Form to Campaign’ dialog.
When you return to the Global forms listing page you will see the associated campaigns to a form.
Associate a form to a campaign - campaign level:
In order to ‘Associate a form to a campaign at the campaign level you must ensure you are within the Campaign’s form section as detyailed by the below screenshot. Notice the breadcrumb details the Advertiser > Campaign > Creatives > Forms. This means you are within a campaign for the selected Advertiser, applying a form association here will only configure the form for this campaign.
Remove association - global level:
Remove association - campaign level:
Within the Campaign level to remove a form association simply click the ‘Remove’ button in the actions column. Before you are able to remove the form association you need to confirm this action via a dialog box.
If you selected ‘Yes’ the form will no longer be associated to the campaign and the form will not be visible in the forms listing for the campaign.
Save as New:
If you have an existing form that you want to duplicate this can easily be done with the ‘Save as New’ button in the Global forms listings action column.
A dialog modal will open that enables you to select a new name for the from.
When you create the new form an identical slug or url name will be automatically generated for you. It is possible to edit the slug name if needed.
Please note if you don’t want to associate the form immediately you can select ‘Save’ and return later to complete the campaign association.
If you would like to associate the form to a campaign click ‘Next’
For ease of use we have enabled a two step process that allows you to Associate the newly created duplicate form to a campaign. The process is the same as it is for association of a form to a campaign at a global level.
Above you can see that the newly created duplicate form has been associated to a campaign.
When you return to the Global forms listings you will see the new global form and the campaigns that the new duplicate form is associated to.
Form Translations:
Form translation functionality behaves in the same way as it previously did. To translate a form click the ‘Translate’ button within the form on a global level.
The Translate form dialog will open enabling you to create a new translated form.
In this example we will be creating a French translation of the ‘Save as new' form. Once this form is created we are able to edit the form as we would any other form. Please note that form translation refers to the doain region that the form will appear. As the form creator you still need to input the language translations for each form field eg. If your input field was ‘First name’ you would have to manually update this to 'Prénom’ in the field page section.
Once you have made the required changes for your form when you return to the Global form listings the ‘Translated' form and it’s ‘Master’ form will be identified with corresponding chips in order to easily determine which form is which. A ‘Transated’ form will always have the consecutive form id number to it’s ‘Master’ form. Only ‘Master’ forms can be duplicated.
Archive a Form:
All Archived forms can be found in the ‘Archived’ tab on the Global forms listing page.
Within the ‘Archived’ tab you can either ‘Activate’ an existing form or ‘Delete’ a form. By clicking the ‘Activate’ button you will re-instate the selected form to the ‘Active Forms’ tab in the Global forms listing page. An ‘Archived’ form will remain active if the campaign it is associated is active.
Before you can ‘Activate’ a form you need to confirm this action via a dialog modal. This ensures that forms are less likely to be re-activated by accident.
Similarly if you would like to ‘Delete’ a form
Delete a Form:
Before you can ‘Delete’ a form you need to confirm this action via a dialog modal. This ensures that forms are less likely to be deleted by accident. It’s important to note that ‘Deleting’ a form is a final action and that the form will no longer be available in any listing
‘Dynamic Content’ Form Field Type:
Introduction & Use Case
On a Convertr enterprise, Advertisers may have the exact same form capture requirements, therefore each of their forms would contain the same data capture fields. However, different or unique terms and conditions copy may be required depending on the advertiser.
‘Dynamic Content’ is a new field type that can be added to a form to allow the display of unique content based on ‘Advertiser’ or ‘Advertiser and Category’.
This would mean that the same single form can be used across numerous advertisers where the data capture fields are exactly the same, and unique terms and conditions copy is shown per Advertiser.
The examples below shows the same form utilising the new ‘Dynamic Content’ field to show different terms and conditions copy across different advertisers.
When adding/editing a form within the form builder, navigate to the ‘Fields’ tab, then add a new field with the type of ‘Dynamic Content’.
Click the ‘Settings’ icon to view the options for this field.
If required, add any ‘Default Content’. This content will can be written in HTML and will be shown to all Advertisers that are not specified within the custom content rules. This content can be empty if no content is required to be shown for advertisers that are not defined within custom content rules.
To add a custom rule select either the ‘Advertiser’ radio button or ‘Advertiser and Category’ radio button, then click ‘Add’. Then include any unique content that should be displayed for the defined advertisers/categories.
The below example shows the setup to show unique content for 2 difference advertisers. For even more specific requirements, advertiser and category rules can be used.
If the ‘Hooli’ advertiser has any campaigns that have an association with this global form, then content displayed on the form will be ‘Some content for Hooli advertiser', e.g.
If the ‘Alicimo’ advertiser has any campaigns that have an association with this global form, then content displayed on the form will be ‘Different content for Alicimo advertiser', e.g.
For any advertisers that are not defined within the ‘Custom Content Rules’ but still have any campaigns that have an association with this global form, then content displayed on the form will be ‘My default content', e.g.
Dynamic ‘Thanks Page’ Content:
Intro & Use Case
Similar to the new ‘Dynamic Content’ form field, custom content rules are also available for the ‘Thanks Page’ on any form. These custom content rules (for Advertisers, Campaigns or Whitepapers) allow specific content to be shown after a form has been submitted, or for a URL redirect to take place, or a combination of both custom content and a URL redirect.
Therefore, a single form can accomodate specific requirements for Advertisers or Campaigns or Whitepapers, which would negate the need to have duplicate forms in scenarios where forms are identical apart from the contents of the ‘Thanks Page’.
For example, a user may want to direct users to a specific websites depending on the specific whitepaper they have downloaded. In this case, custom content rules would be required to specify which whitepapers should have specific redirect URLs and if required, any additional custom HTML content.
When adding/editing a form within the form builder, navigate to the ‘Thanks Page’ tab, add any content within the ‘Default Content’ section that would show for any scenarios that are not specified within any custom content rules.
Select an radio option for custom content rules based on Advertisers, Campaigns or Whitepapers, then click the ‘Add’ button to setup the first rule.
In the below example, the ‘Whitepaper’ radio button has been selected. Multiple whitepapers have been added to a custom content rule (by searching and selecting whitepapers from the ‘Whitepapers’ input) which will show custom content (by selecting the ‘Use Custom Content’ radio button under ‘Content’) and perform a URL redirect (by selecting the ‘Redirect’ option under ‘Action') after a 10 second delay (by inputting ‘10’ in the ‘Redirect Delay’ input) once the form has been submitted.
In the above example, if the form completed by the user is associated with either the ‘Data Cleansing’ or ‘Data Routing' whitepaper, the custom content will be shown and after 10 seconds of the form being completed, the form would redirect the user to the specified website:
For any forms completed that do not have any associations to whitepapers specified in custom content rules, the content from the ‘Default Content’ section will be shown:
Recommended Whitepapers: