Publisher users will only be able to edit invalid data. |
Publisher users will not be able to edit data that has been delivered and flagged as invalid. |
Publisher users will need to be reprocess the lead. |
Publisher users will only be able to edit the data they submitted. |
Publisher users will not be able to delete a record. |
This functionality will not be available via the Publisher API. It will be available via the v4 API |
There will be not bulk functionality, Publisher users will have to edit the data using the exisitng edit functionlity. |
This functionality will not work with the existing Convertr Connect Integration. |
Publisher users will need no approval before resubmitting a lead to be reprocessed. |
For reporting, this will only be reportable via the database in terms of understanding which leads have been edited. |
The customer will be charged for the reprocessing of data. |
Admin and agency users will be able to toggle this setting on or off on a campaign level only. |
We will not lock any fields to be edited the Publisher user will be able to edit all data that they submitted. |
We will not limit the amount of times the user can edit the data |
We will not apply a time limit to when a lead can be editied. |