Value Transform
What does it do?
Values transforms transform enables a user to automate the process of manipulating and appending data to the lead record, In Lehman’s terms its , it takes one bit of information and creates another.
Who would use it?
Publisher, Agency users
Why would clients find this useful?
data and creates another to add it to the lead.
Value transforms automates the process of changing or appending data. For example change company size from 1- 10 to 1 to 10
Users are able to:
Action | Description | Acceptance Criteria | |
1 | Users can add a single Value Transform (Advertiser level) | A user can add a single/multiple value transform on an advertiser level. | a user can specify what the original field name should be. a user can specify what the new field name should be. a user can specify what the label name should be. a user can specify what the original value should be. a user can specify what the new value should be. a user can add one or many values transforms at once |
2 | Users can add a single Value Transform (Campaign level) | A user can add a single/multiple value transform on a campaign level. | a user can specify what the original field name should be. a user can specify what the new field name should be. a user can specify what the label name should be. a user can specify the order number in which the value transform should run eg should one value transform run before another. a user can specify what the original value should be. a user can specify what the new value should be. a user can add one or many values transforms at once |
3 | Users can bulk import Value Transforms (Advertiser level only) | A user can upload a CSV of values they wish to use for the value transform on a campaign and advertiser level. | While using the CSV to upload the value transform: a user can specify what the original field name should be. a user can specify what the new field name should be. a user can specify what the label name should be. a user can specify what the original value should be. a user can specify what the new value should be. a user can specify what the group name should be should be. a user can add one or many values transforms at once |
4 | Users can delete Value Transforms (on an advertiser and campaign level) | A user can delete a value transform on a campaign and advertiser level. | a user can delete a value transform |
5 | Create a value transforms a group (advertiser level only) | A user can create and assign which value transform should be in the group | a user can specify what the group name should be. a user can specify what value transforms are added to the group |
6 | Delete a value transforms a group (advertiser level only) | A user can delete a group via the advertiser section | a user can delete a value transform group |
7 | Edit value transforms in a group (advertiser level only) | A user can select or remove a value transform to be assigned to a group | a user will be able to either add or remove and value transform from a group |
8 | Import Value transform into a campaign | A user will be able to select a group of value transform to add to the campaign | a user will be able to import any groups that have been created for that advertiser. |
9 | Value Transform Processr Job | A user can add a processr job called Value Transform | This processr job runs to check if the value transforms was successful on the lead if not the job will fail. |
What use case(s) does this apply to?
Status | ||||
Why would they use this feature?
A typical use case for this would be around the formatting/data consistency or appending data for a customer.
In terms of formatting/data consistency:
- A typical scenario would be making sure that the data matches the customer needs as the user generating the data may be capturing the data as company_size from 1- 10 however the client needs the data formatted as company_size 1 to 10.
In terms of appending data
Key Talking Points
- By having this process, it cuts down manual work and data manipulation (Speed and time)
- Improves data quality and it becomes automated instead of manual intervention (improved data quality)
- Users do not need to change the way they collect data it means that the information they generate is standardized and they meet the
- client's needs (meets clients’ needs)
- Change and manage data at scale
An example of how it would be implemented?
How to add to a value transform to an advertiser
Multimedia | ||
How to add to import a value transform to a campaign
Multimedia name How to Import Value Transforms to a Campaign - Editor.mp4
How to add a value transform to a campaign
Multimedia name How to Add a Value Transform to a Campaign - Editor.mp4
For a publisher, they would use this to make sure they don’t lose their data integrity.
If they capture information in a certain format for instance Company Size let’s say 1 to 50 but the client wants it to be 1 - 50 what value transforms would offer, is the ability to automatically create the new value without having to manually do it. Then once this info is added they integrate just the new info that’s was created.
Th The user adds the value transform to the field they wants want to generate data from for our example its company_size which if its it triggered correctly will then adds the additional field clients_company_size
Then on the mapping, you put the values that as a publisher generates (keep data consistency) on the left and then on the right you add the format in which the client wants in.
This is a typical example of how they would use it, as you can see the field company size has come into the platform and in turn using the value transforms it has generated the field clients_company_size. Now the key point hear here is that when the data is sent to the client you only mapped the new field that you have created.
For an agency, they may use this to automatically append a specific ID to a lead based off on an asset the user had downloaded (content syndication) or on an integration front they may want to append a Salesforce campaign id or Marketo list id. With both Both of these examples its it's similar to the above in terms of making sure the data sent to exactly to the clients needs and the client wants it
In some cases, they use it to help with their reporting to add info if a lead with a certain job title comes into the platform eg CTO will append the information C-level management (in other words its it's a good way to keep data consistent)
However, with this functionality, it can be applied to various different situations whenever the users needs need to automate the process of manipulating data. Multimedia