Section | Default |
subject - this is the subject of the email
| ##enterpriseName## Action - ##campaignName## (##campaignId## ) - Download Lead Batch Integration Report
title - Is the Title of the email Body,
| ##enterpriseName## Action
sub_title - , Is the Sub Title of the email
| ##campaignName## (##campaignId## ) - Download Lead Batch Integration Report
body - For Email
| Total Leads Delivered on Campaign: ##totalLeadsCampaign## <br /> Total Lead Cap of Campaign: ##totalCapCampaign## <br /><br /> A total of ##totalLeadsAttached## leads have been successfully compiled and can be <a href='##batchLeadDownload##' style='color: #333333'> downloaded here</a> . The list of Lead IDs follows:<br /> ##campaignLeadIds## |
body - For FTP, SFTP and SFTPS
| A total of ##totalLeadsAttached## leads have been successfully transmitted within the file ##file## to ##host## . The list of Lead IDs follows:<br /> ##campaignLeadIds## |
body - For Dropbox
| A total of ##totalLeadsAttached## leads have been successfully transmitted within the file ##file## to ##host## . The list of Lead IDs follows:<br /> ##campaignLeadIds## |