Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


When ‘Associating’ a form at a global level to a campaign. You need to first ‘Edit’ the form from the Global Form listings. From the ‘Edit Form’ screen you can select ‘Associate’.



Within the Campaigns drop-down you’ll be able to select from available campaigns. By selecting a campaign and clicking ‘Add’ the . The Campaign will be associated to Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removedthe Form.


Once the campaign has been selected you will see all related information in a table below the dropdown.


It is possible to associate campaign to a form when the status of the campaign is ‘Active’ or ‘Ended’. To Remove the campaign association from the form simply click the ‘Remove’ button in the ‘Associate Form to Campaign’ dialog.


When you return to the Global forms listing page you will see the associated campaigns to a form.


Associate a form to a campaign - campaign level:

In order to ‘Associate a form to a campaign at the campaign level you must ensure you are within the Campaign’s form section as detyailed by the below screenshot. Notice the breadcrumb details the Advertiser > Campaign > Creatives > Forms. This means you are within a campaign for the selected Advertiser, applying a form association here will only configure the form for this campaign.


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Remove association - global level:


Remove association - campaign level:

Within the Campaign level to remove a form association simply click the ‘Remove’ button in the actions column. Before you are able to remove the form association you need to confirm this action via a dialog box.


If you selected ‘Yes’ the form will no longer be associated to the campaign and the form will not be visible in the forms listing for the campaign.


Save as New:


Form Translations:


If you have an existing form that you want to duplicate this can easily be done with the ‘Save as New’ button in the Global forms listings action column.


A dialog modal will open that enables you to select a new name for the from.


When you create the new form an identical slug or url name will be automatically generated for you. It is possible to edit the slug name if needed.


Please note if you don’t want to associate the form immediately you can select ‘Save’ and return later to complete the campaign association.

If you would like to associate the form to a campaign click ‘Next’

For ease of use we have enabled a two step process that allows you to Associate the newly created duplicate form to a campaign. The process is the same as it is for association of a form to a campaign at a global level.


Above you can see that the newly created duplicate form has been associated to a campaign.


When you return to the Global forms listings you will see the new global form and the campaigns that the new duplicate form is associated to.

Form Translations:

Form translation functionality behaves in the same way as it previously did. To translate a form click the ‘Translate’ button within the form on a global level.


The Translate form dialog will open enabling you to create a new translated form.

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In this example we will be creating a French translation of the ‘Save as new' form. Once this form is created we are able to edit the form as we would any other form. Please note that form translation refers to the doain region that the form will appear. As the form creator you still need to input the language translations for each form field eg. If your input field was ‘First name’ you would have to manually update this to 'Prénom’ in the field page section.


Once you have made the required changes for your form when you return to the Global form listings the ‘Translated' form and it’s ‘Master’ form will be identified with corresponding chips in order to easily determine which form is which. A ‘Transated’ form will always have the consecutive form id number to it’s ‘Master’ form. Only ‘Master’ forms can be duplicated.


Archive a Form:


Image Added

Image Added

Delete a Form:

Dynamic Content:
