What does it do?
This feature allows users to pull search all data on the platform that is tied to by a specified email address or telephone number which can then be filtered on an advertiser.
Users can also remove all data on a userthen have the option to download this data and remove this data from the platform.
What does it do?
Actions | Description | Acceptance Criteria | |
1 |
Request data related to an Advertiser based on specified Email or Telephone number
This allows a user to view all data within the platform related to an Advertiser. This data is to an email address or telephone number
Admin Users can select either to search on email or telephone. | From the dropdown menu the user can either select email or telephone. | Once an option is selected this will display email or telephone. | |
2 | Admin users has the option to input a value to search on. | The user will have the option to type either an email or telephone number. | Once inputted the data will then be filter by this value. |
3 | Admin Users can then filter the data by all advertiser or by a single advertiser. | This will allow the user to filter the data by all advertiser or a selected advertiser. | Once this option has been configured this will filter the search request either by all advertiser or by a single advertiser. |
4 | Download data. | Users are able to download the data related to the access request. | Once downloaded the download of the data will be available via the export . |
5 | Request data to be removed from the platform. | Users are are able to ‘Delete’ data related to specified email or telephone values and by all or a single advertiser. | Once deleted this will remove all data associated to that specific email or telephone number. |
Who would use it?
Admin users