Form Types | Description | |
1 | AddressLookup | Allows the user to perform a UK address lookup (T2A UK address lookup) |
2 | AddressLookupGlobal | Allows the user to perform a global address lookup using Google |
3 | AdestraLookup | Allows a user to autofill the form using the Adastra user lookup |
4 | CampaignMonitorLookup | Allows a user to autofill the form using the Campaign Monitor user lookup |
5 | Checkboxes | Allows a user to add a Multi-select checkbox on the form |
56 | Choice | Allows a user to add a Dropdown menu with a single select to the form |
67 | CountryList | Allows a user to add a populated drop-down list of all countries |
78 | Date | Allows a user to add a date picker to the form |
89 | DeviceCapture | When added as an option it will store the device on which the form was submitted. By default, this should be not enabled on the form so the field does not display. |
910 | DynamicContent | |
1011 | Allows a user to add an email option to the form (default field name email) | |
1112 | EmailLookup | Allows a user to add live email check and performs a live lookup via the Briteverify API (default field name email) |
1213 | FacebookSignup | Allows a user to sign in with Facebook o populate the form details |
1314 | First Name | Allows a user to add a First name option to the platform (default field name firstName) |
1415 | HiddenInput | Allows a user to add an |
1516 | HtmlInput | Allows a user to add an |
1617 | Integer | Allows a user to add a field that will only accept a number value |
1718 | InternationalCompanyAddressLookup | Allows a user to add a Company address lookup to the form (this is powered by D&B) |
1819 | Last Name | Allows a user to add the Last name option to the platform (default field name lastName) |
1920 | LinkedInSignin | Allows a user to sign in with Linkedin to populate the form details |
2021 | MaropostLookup | Allows a user to autofill the form using the Maropost user lookup |
2122 | Model | Allows a user to add the model option select this is FCA specific |
2223 | MultiFcaDealerLookup | Allows a user to add the FCA dealer lookup by postcode this is FCA specific |
2324 | Optin | Allows a user to add an optin option before submitting the form |
2425 | Password | Allows a user to add a password field type (when the user types in this data it will be masked on the form) |
2526 | RadioInputs | Allows a user to add radio inputs (this is a single select option) to the form |
2627 | ReCaptcha | Allows a user to add ReCaptcha uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your form |
2728 | RememberMe | Allows a user to add to store their details so when they fill in another form from the same enterprise the form will auto-populate with their details. |
2829 | Reset | Allows a user to reset the form details |
2930 | ScreenCapture | Allows a user to add the option to perform a screen capture when the form is submitted this will then be stored as lead data as a link to an image |
3031 | SelligentLookup | Allows a user to autofill the form using the Selligent user lookup |
3132 | SilverpopLookup | Allows a user to autofill the form using the Silverpop user lookup |
3233 | SingleCheckbox | Allows a user to add a single checkbox item to the form |
3334 | Submit | Allows a user to add a submit button to the form |
3435 | Telephone | Allows a user to add an telephone option to the form (default field name telephone) |
3536 | TelephoneLookup | Allows a user to add live telephone check and performs a live lookup via the Informatica API (default field name telephone) |
3637 | TelephoneLookupInternational | Allows a user to add live email check and performs a live lookup via the data8 API (default field name telephone) |
3738 | Text | Allows a user to add a text field to the form (this is the most used form type option) |
3839 | Textarea | Allows a user to add a text area to the form |
3940 | Title | Allows a user to add a salutation dropdown (Mr, Mrs, Miss etc) |
4041 | UsStateList | Allows a user to add a drop-down of US states to the form |
4142 | WhitepaperDownload | Allows a user to add an option to trigger a whitepaper download (see whitepapers for more detail) |
4243 | WyvernLookup | Allows a user to autofill the form using the wyvern user lookup |