What does it do?
Value transforms automates the process of changing or appending data. For example change company size from 1- 10 to 1 to 10
Users are able to:
Action | Description | Acceptance Criteria | |
1 | Users can add a single Value Transform (Advertiser level) | A user can add a single/multiple value transform on an advertiser level. | a user can specify what the original field name should be. a user can specify what the new field name should be. a user can specify what the label name should be. a user can specify what the original value should be. a user can specify what the new value should be. a user can add one or many values transforms at once |
2 | Users can add a single Value Transform (Campaign level) | A user can add a single/multiple value transform on a campaign level. | a user can specify what the original field name should be. a user can specify what the new field name should be. a user can specify what the label name should be. a user can specify the order number in which the value transform should run eg should one value transform run before another. a user can specify what the original value should be. a user can specify what the new value should be. a user can add one or many values transforms at once |
3 | Users can bulk import Value Transforms (Advertiser level only) | A user can upload a CSV of values they wish to use for the value transform on a campaign and advertiser level. | While using the CSV to upload the value transform: a user can specify what the original field name should be. a user can specify what the new field name should be. a user can specify what the label name should be. a user can specify what the original value should be. a user can specify what the new value should be. a user can specify what the group name should be should be. a user can add one or many values transforms at once |
4 | Users can delete Value Transforms (on an advertiser and campaign level) | A user can delete a value transform on a campaign and advertiser level. | a user can delete a value transform |
5 | Create a value transforms a group (advertiser level only) | A user can create and assign which value transform should be in the group | a user can specify what the group name should be. a user can specify what value transforms are added to the group |
6 | Delete a value transforms a group (advertiser level only) | A user can delete a group via the advertiser section | a user can delete a value transform group |
7 | Edit value transforms in a group (advertiser level only) | A user can select or remove a value transform to be assigned to a group | a user will be able to either add or remove and value transform from a group |
8 | Import Value transform into a campaign | A user will be able to select a group of value transform to add to the campaign | a user will be able to import any groups that have been created for that advertiser. |
9 | Value Transform Processr Job | A user can add a processr job called Value Transform | This processr job runs to check if the value transforms was successful on the lead if not the job will fail. |
What use case(s) does this apply to?