Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Value Transform


Values transform enables a user to automate the process of appending data to the lead record, In Lehman’s terms, it takes one bit of data and creates another to add it to the lead. 

Value transforms automates the process of changing or appending data. For example change company size from 1- 10 to 1 to 10 

Users are able to:

ActionDescriptionAcceptance Criteria
1Users can add a single Value Transform (on an advertiser and campaign level)

2Users can bulk import Value Transforms (on an advertiser and campaign level)

3Users can delete Value Transforms (on an advertiser and campaign level)


Why would they use this feature?

A typical use case for this would be around the formatting/data consistency or appending data for a customer.

In terms of formatting/data consistency:

  • A typical scenario would be making sure that the data matches the customer needs as the user generating the data may be capturing the data as company_size from 1- 10 however the client needs the data formatted as company_size 1 to 10.

In terms of appending data

Key Talking Points

  • By having this process, it cuts down manual work and data manipulation (Speed and time)
  • Improves data quality and it becomes automated instead of manual intervention (improved data quality)
  • Users do not need to change the way they collect data it means that the information they generate is standardized and they meet the client's needs (meets clients’ needs)
  • Change and manage data at scale
