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This integration type is used when you have to send files containing lead information directly to either an Email Address, FTP, FTPS, SFTP connection or to a specific Dropbox folder.

With this integration, you will be able to schedule sends for any day of the week, which automatically sends a password-protected file to the end user. 

File Format

For the file format, users have three options here:

  • xlsx

  • csv

  • txt

Include Fields

The section of the configuration allows users to map the Convertr Fields to the File Output

On the left-hand side, this is the naming of the columns on the right-hand side these are the fields that those columns will be referencing.

This can include all: Form Fields, Value Transforms and Convertr Meta Data (see below)

Field Name



Convertr Lead Id


The Publisher ID


Publsiehr ID passing int he tracking link


The Publisher ID


The channel from the tracking link


The name of the publisher



















File Type

Important: Please be aware that if this file_type is changed mid-campaign this will interrupt the current process and may affect your next file send.

There are two options here, default and cumulative. 

a. Default: This file type means leads will be sent on to the endpoint in batches according to the schedule set. This file will only include the new leads from the platform since the last batch email was sent. 

The leads sent to this file type will be stored in the database and encrypted, and only be appended to the new CSV file when the reports runs at the scheduled time. This means that all leads that have been deleted, invalidated, marked as test or undelivered will all be removed from pending batches, right up until the scheduled delivery date and time.

b. Cumulative: This file type means the report generated will contain all of the lead data within the campaign from the date that this file type was set to Cumulative. Any leads in this campaign prior to this file type change will not be included in the file sent on. 

The leads sent to this file type will be stored in the database and encrypted. They will only be appended to the existing CSV file when the reports runs at the scheduled time. This means that any of the new leads that have been deleted, invalidated, marked as test or undelivered will all be removed from pending batches, right up until the scheduled delivery date and time.


As a user of Batch CSV Integration, I should be able to:


“default” type

Schedule my batches to send all the valid “On hold - pending batch” leads between each batch window. E.g If I set my batch to run 9 am everyday, on Tuesday I would expect all the compiled leads since 9 am Monday → to 8:59 Tuesday morning to be in a single file

“cumulative” type

Each schedule should append the “On hold - pending batch” leads to a single file and send it. Using the example above, by Friday I would see all of the leads from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning in a single file. The file would still be sent to its destination as normal at 9 am each day with all leads for the time period.

I should be able to run multiple batches on a single campaign without the files conflicting with each other, either using job groups or value-based routing, or just having two batches which collect different information.

I should be able to zip and password protect my files - this should work with cumulative and default batch types and not impact the expected behaviour of each type - this seems to be broken with cumulative files. “Password protecting” seems to just send the new leads, and not append to the existing file.

When the file is sent it should use the configured filename in the settings to create the actual filename.

CSV Delimiter

The CSV delimiter will only be used if the file format is set to CSV. This setting determines how the CSV is separated.














value1 value2 value3




CSV Encapsulation

The CSV delimiter will only be used if the file format is set to CSV. This setting determines how the CSV is encapsulated.







Double Quote



Single Quote




value1 , value2


File Name

Here is where you can name the file that the user will download.

Below are all the placeholders:




This will pull through the Convertr Campaign ID


This will pull through the Convertr Campaign Name


the year that file was created eg 2020


the year that file was created showing the last 2 digits of the year eg 20


eg the year that file was created (non-numeric) eg Mon, Tue, Wed


the day that file was created (numeric) eg 01,02,03


the hour that file was created in a 24-hour format eg 23:00


the hour that file was created in a 12-hour format eg 11


the minute that file was created eg 00:01:00


the month that file was created (non-numeric) eg JAN, FEB


the month that file was created (numeric) eg ) 01, 02 ,03 etc


the seconds on when the file was created with leading zeros eg 00:00:01

Finally, the file can be saved with .XLSX , .CSV or .TXT conventions.


This setting is used when configuring a connection for either FTP, SFTP, SFTPS or Dropbox.

When using the path the user can specify, in the directory when the file needs to be saved.

Eg /mainfolder/subfolder/saving folder

Send ZIP (recommended)

For the send ZIP, this allows the user to put a password on the file.

If send_zip is true then to add a password you will have to fill in the ZIP Password configuration to set it.

If set to no, no password will be needed to be set.

Notification Emails

This is where a user can set the emails of the users who need to receive a notification.

If the connection is Email the email addresses in the notification emails will receive the download link or the file.

If set to any other connection the user will receive an email informing then that the file was sent with the lead ids.

To add multiples it needs to be formatted like this:

BCC Emails

This is the same as notification emails but when sent the email they will be in BCC:


Batch Hour (mandatory) is the hour in which the file integration will commence, eg. if it is set to 11 this will compile all leads before 11 only so for instance if the lead came in at 11:01 it would not be included in the file being sent.

Days of the week(1 selection mandatory): the days of the week of when the file will be sent.



This connection type will send an email to email configured in the notification emails section.

The user will receive an email like this for example:


These connection types allow the user of the platform to place the file on to an FTP and FTPS Server.

The below details will have to be sent form the customer who is receiving the data.

  • Username

  • Password

  • Server, is the URL on the FTP/FTPS server

  • Port the number of the port on the server

  • Passive - this can be set to true or false


This connection type allows the user of the platform to place the file on to an SFTP Server.

The below details will have to be sent form the customer who is receiving the data.

  • Username

  • Password

  • Server, is the URL on the FTP/FTPS server

  • Port the number of the port on the server


This connection type allows the user of the platform to place the file on to a Dropbox account.

Here there are two configurations that need to be applied.

API token: this is generated by going to the top of the configuration and clicking Get Dropbox Token:

Once clicked, you will have to grant access

Once granted the user will then be displayed their access token, this is what the users will need to copy and paste in the configuration.

Access Type

  • app Folder Access - the user will only have access on a folder level

  • Full Access - Full Admin rights


For all of the connections below, when the integration is complete the configured email will receive an email such as below which will not include a download link just the file that has been sent and to where.

  • FTP

  • SFTP

  • FTPS

  • Dropbox

  • No labels