🏠 Feature Overview
Setting up an Advertiser
From this interface you can Add, Import, Delete, Create New Campaign and View Advertiser.
Add Advertiser
When adding a entry to the advertiser, you will be able to enter the following fields:
Name | Required | Notes |
Advertiser Name | Advertiser Name has to be unique | |
Account Manager | This is the clients' contact | |
Campaign Manager | Internal Team managing the campaign | |
First Name | ||
Last Name | ||
Telephone | ||
Postcode | ||
Address | ||
City/Town | ||
Country | ||
IO Management | Toggle Default is set as disabled. | |
Contracts | Toggle Default is set as disabled. This determines if the contracts are auto-signed | |
Default Publisher Terms | If specific campaign terms need to be made default, they can be placed here. | |
Notes | Notes will apply to all publishers. |
Import Advertiser
Import Advertiser will let the user import a CSV file.
View Advertiser
View Advertiser will let the user
Create a campaign
View the campaigns associated to the advertiser
View account details
Add Value Transformation
View Default Value Settings
Add Validation Lists.
Create Campaign
Account tab displays the account details entered when the advertiser was created.
🎯 Objective
The advertiser is the client accepting the leads. The advertiser will be able to set up multiple campaigns per advertiser and assign publishers to campaigns to provide leads to these campaigns.
\uD83E\uDD14 Assumptions
Provide any assumptions/pre requisites that are needed for the feature to work.
\uD83D\uDDD2 Requirements
User Permissions
The users should have access to the advertisers to be able to view the advertisers
Advertiser user.
As an advertiser user, I should be able to view the campaign(s) the advertiser is associated, Account and Value Transform.
Agency user
As an agency user, I should be able to add advertiser, create campaigns and view campaigns.
Advertiser Report user
As an advertiser report user, I should be able to view the campaign(s) the advertiser is associated, Account and Value Transform.
Requirement | User Story | Importance | Jira Issue | Notes |
HIGH | ||||
\uD83C\uDFA8 User interaction and design
Advertiser-Create Campaign -https://www.figma.com/proto/XSFJYyCCNM0Z41Lh961pMm/ADVERTISERS---Create-Campaign-V3?scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=9%3A2&node-id=9%3A2
Advertiser- Import-https://www.figma.com/proto/AsU5TdoA31PwSqZsuTRKY4/ADVERTISER---Import?node-id=2%3A7&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=2%3A7
Advertiser- Validation Lists-https://invis.io/WQ10SOR1P56B
Advertiser-Value Transform-https://invis.io/MEUGRPETYWK
Open Questions
Question | Answer | Date Answered |
Out of Scope
Provide any details of additional feature requirements that haven't been scoped.