🏠 Feature Overview
After the login process, the user navigated to the Dashboard section.
The sidebar is the main navigation, from here the user can access all the different areas of the platform.
This allows the user to update the profile details and password.
This allows the user to log out from the platform.
Global Search
The global search bar allows the user to search for current/ended campaigns, publishers, advertisers, and leads id’s.
Export Requests
This allows the user to find requested export files and download them. The user also can find previously downloaded files.
Platform Support
This allows the user to reach Help Centre, Contact Support, and WalkMe.
Help Centre: Search through the Help Centre to find articles and guides relevant to questions.
Contact Support: Find the best solution to the technical or platform issues, the team reaches the user with the solution after filling out the requested details.
WalkMe: Learn more about the product; what each feature does, how it works, and how to use it.
Notification Centre
This allows the user to reach performance reports. The dropdown menu will show the most recent reports that have not yet been downloaded. Reports can be downloaded by selecting the PDF file. The attachments such as the invalid reports can be downloaded within the ZIP file.
Campaign Totals Widget
This section displays the running monthly totals of: Total Revenue (CPL x Billable Leads), Impressions, Clicks, Conversions, and Billable (Leads). The user also can see the top 5 campaigns which generated the most revenue in the bar chart.
Lead Totals Widget
This section displays the running monthly lead totals of: Billable, Total, Invalid, Valid, and Delivered. The user also can see valid and invalid leads proportion in the pie chart.
Dashboard Table
Campaigns on the dashboard are grouped by Active and Inactive. The user can view all active campaigns in the Active Campaigns tab. The Inactive Campaigns tab contains all campaigns that are not Active, which includes Paused, Ended, Inactive campaigns, as well as those with Setup Required. The user can filter by Status on the Inactive Campaigns tab to easily see all Inactive, Ended, Paused and Setup Required campaigns.
Campaigns on the platform can have different Campaign Statuses. The Campaign Status is used to quickly show what state the campaign is in. This allows Campaign Managers and other users to quickly see if a campaign is in an unexpected state and therefore needs to be actioned.
Status | Status Descriptions |
The status given to all campaigns that are running. Active campaigns will have allocation, be within their start and end dates, and have the Advertiser contract signed. | |
The status given to all campaigns which are not running. This status is given when the current date is earlier than the campaign's start date. | |
A campaign that has met its lead allocation will be given this. This status will also be given to any campaigns whose end date has been reached. | |
A campaign that has been manually paused. Publishers cannot upload to these campaigns. | |
A campaign with an unsigned Advertiser contract will have this status. |
The Actions menu allows the user to reach the campaign’s Overview, Setup, Publisher, Processr, and Leads pages. Also, the user can export leads easily.
Actions | Descriptions |
By clicking the icon the user can reach the Overview page of the selected campaign. The page contain four widgets: Leads Total, Fulfilment Breakdown, Publisher Breakdown, and Tracking Breakdown. | |
By clicking the icon the user can reach the Setup/admin page of the selected campaign. All campaign settings which includes owner, delivery, and financials. Also, the user can delete, pause, and resume the campaign. | |
By clicking the icon the user can reach the Publishers page of the selected campaign. The page contain Publisher Breakdown widget and Publisher list table which assigned to the campaign. The user can assign new publishers to the campaign and can send a email to publishers. | |
By clicking the icon the user can reach the Processr page of the selected campaign. The page contain Processr Breakdown widget and Jobs table. The user can add a new job to the campaign: Quality Assurance, Enrichment, Integration and Misc. Connected apps lists in the Pre-Processing tab. | |
By clicking the icon the user can reach the Leads page of the selected campaign. The page contain Leads Breakdown widget and Leads list table. The user can flag/manage leads and can import/export leads. | |
By clicking the icon the user can reach the Export Leads page. After completes the page requirements, the user can export selected leads. |
On the dashboard table, the user can alter columns visibility on the page. Once clicking the cog icon, the user will be able to add/eliminate the columns and drag and drop the columns that want to appear on the table, then click Save to update the table. By clicking the toggle on to a field in the active columns, this column will be highlighted in green on the table.
🎯 Objective
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\uD83E\uDD14 Assumptions
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\uD83D\uDDD2 Requirements
Requirement | User Story | Importance | Jira Issue | Notes |
HIGH | ||||
\uD83C\uDFA8 User interaction and design
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Open Questions
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Out of Scope
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