What does it do?
Validation lists give the users the ability to add custom pick lists to the platform in order to use these lists as validation against their lead data.
What use case(s) does this apply to?
Publisher, Agency & Clients users
Action | Description | |
1 | User can list all filed names to be used for validation | This allows user to set all the input fields they want to validate against for e.g. email, name, date |
2 | User can configure an 'Operator' | This is used to determine how values are viewed eg. If a value is 'equal to' , if a value contains certain characters, if a value 'ends with' certain values or 'starts with' a certain value |
3 | 'validationRule' - User can set if a Validation Rule should 'pass' or 'fail' | This is used to determine if a rule is set in the Validation of data should pass or fail. eg. User wants to fail leads based on min value and the min value of a specific lead does not meet the value set. This would result in the lead returning a 'fail' status |
4 | 'passEmpty' -User can set if a value being passed can be Empty | This allows users to configure if they want to allow certain values to be passed without having any data / value being empty. eg. A user could set 'Job title' on a Validation list to 'passEmpty' = 'True' which would allow for values to be collected if entered by leads however if no value was entered the lead would still be passed through for processing by the platform. If 'passEmpty' = 'FALSE' the field value would not allow for empty values to be passed to the platform. |
5 | 'multiValue' - User can collect multiple values on a field value | This allows users to collect multiple responses from a single input. eg. If the user set a 'multiValue' = TRUE for a multi select value (a dropdown list) and wanted to Validate that multiple values were present/selected this would |
6 | 'multiValueDelimiter' - Use can configure how multiple values should be separated. | This allows users to select how they want values to be separated eg. ',' , ';' , ':' , '.' , '/' , '-' |
7 | 'caseSensitive' User can set if values are validated based on case sensitivity | This allows users to set if a value is validated based on character case sensitivity eg. If 'caseSensitivity' is set to 'TRUE' any leads that are submitted that |
8 | Private list - Use can set if the values for a Validation list are hidden from Publisher / Advertiser | This allows users to hide the values the validation list is using to validate. eg. If a Publisher plans to validate against 'email' values all the email values will *'ed out on the platform. |
Why would clients find this useful?
- Makes sure data is formatted exactly to the needs of the client or user
- Helps with standardisation of data collected, which in turn helps with reporting and interrogating of data.
- When leads are being run against Key accounts or Suppression list
An example of how it would be implemented?
Global Validation List example:
Adding a Validation List to an Advertiser:
Adding Validation list to a Campaign
Key talking points:
- When clients are looking to Validate against specified list values
- When a client wants to keep validation fields private
- When clients want to collect multiple values for a field and to reject when not all values are met
- When clients want to be able to set a pass or fail status for leads that don't include specified values
- When clients are looking to validate leads that contain certain character values