Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Platform URL


API Endpoints

Muge Budak Retrieves the collection of Archived Forms:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}

Retrieving a Form:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}{id}

Deletes a Form:

Code Block
DELETE https://{enterprise}{id}

Creates a Form preview:

Code Block
POST https://{enterprise}

Removes the campaign from the Form:

Code Block
POST https://{enterprise}


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Document status


Document owner

Danny Hannah Adam Carter

Technical writers

Arunima Kurup Prasad

Related Content


🏠 Feature Overview


With the Global Forms section, instead of creating individual forms for each campaign, users can create master templates and associate them to multiple campaigns. Users can view and manage forms across all campaigns using the Global Forms sections available on the left menu.


The Global Forms section has centralised form management that offers the below:

  • Visibility into available forms and where they're used

  • Consistent field names

  • Implementing changes across multiple campaigns

  • Archiving old forms

  • Form interface

Archived Forms

All archived forms created on the platform are listed under the Archived Forms tab in Global Forms page.


Archived Forms

Forms can be archived by selecting the associated checkbox(es) and clicking on the ‘Archive’ button on the Active Forms listing page. The ‘Archive’ button will be enabled only when at least 1 form is selected.


By clicking on ‘Yes’ in the ‘Archive Forms’ modal, the form will be archived and will move to the ‘Archived Forms’ tab. ‘Translated’ forms created from the form being archived, will also move to the Archived Forms listing. If required, translated forms may be re-activated.

Listing Page

All forms that are archived are listed under the ‘Archived Forms’ tab in Global Forms page. Archived forms associated with campaigns will continue to work with linked email assets, landing pages and connected apps.

Archived forms are not shown when creating landing pages, creating email assets, creating connected apps and importing leads.

The listing page for archived forms is shown below.


The table shows:

  • ID: unique ID of the form. Users can search for a form using the ID.

  • Form: name of the formType: identifies if the form is a ‘Master’ form or ‘Translated’ form. Users can search for a form using the form name.

  • Associated campaigns: provides a link to all campaigns using the form. Any changes made in a form will be reflected on all associated campaigns.

  • Actions column provides the option to view the ‘Preview’ of archived forms

  • Checkbox: A checkbox column is provided for selecting the forms that need to be archivedactivated or deleted. The ‘Archive’ ‘Activate’ button and ‘Delete’ button will be enabled only when at least 1 form is selected. Archived forms move to the ‘Archived Forms’ tab

  • The forms listing page provides pagination option so users can select how many forms they want to view on a page.

Associated FormsCampaigns

  • Clicking on the hyperlink opens the below modal showing all associated campaigns and option to associate new campaigns with the form.


Users can search by campaign name or campaign ID in the ‘Campaigns’ search box to select and add a campaign to associate to the form. User is not permitted to associate a campaign that is already associated with the same form.



A blue banner displays the number of campaigns associated with the form but users will only be able to see the campaigns that they have permission to access.


Clicking on the ‘Advertiser Name’ hyperlink takes the user to the advertiser’s campaign listing page.

Removing associations

A campaign association with a form can be removed using the ‘Remove’ button if the form does not have any associations to:


If the form is associated with any the above, the following error message will be shown which displays the ID of the landing page/email asset/connected app association.


Landing Page associations


Once the changes to form associations are maderemoved, the changes campaign association with the form can be persisted by removed by clicking on ‘Remove’ and ‘Save’.


By clicking on the Save button.

The forms listing page provides pagination option so users can select how many forms they want to view on a page.

\uD83D\uDDD2 Summary

Summarise the functionalities in a table




User Story


Add form


Allows the user to add forms via the interface


Add via CSV


Allows the user to add forms via CSV file




Allows the user to archive multiple forms


Active forms listing


Lists all active forms, their type and associations


‘Preview’ button available in the Actions column, the user can see a preview of the ‘Fields Page’ of the archived form, and the ‘Thanks Page’ of the archived form.


Activate Form

An archived form will need to be re-activated for it to be associated with campaigns. Forms can be re-activated by selecting the associated checkbox(es) and clicking on the ‘Activate’ button on the Archived Forms listing page. The ‘Activate’ button will be enabled only when at least 1 form is selected.


By clicking ‘Yes’ on the above confirmation dialog box, selected archived forms will be activated and will move back to ‘Active Forms’ listing page.

Delete Form

Only archived forms can be deleted. Forms can be deleted by selecting the associated checkbox(es) and clicking on the ‘Delete’ button on the Archived Forms listing page. The ‘Delete’ button will be enabled only when at least 1 form is selected.

Upon clicking Delete, a confirmation dialog will be shown to the user to confirm the action.


By typing in the confirmation message and clicking on Yes, the form will be deleted from the platform. Any translated forms created from the form being deleted, will also be automatically deleted.

Forms having any campaign associations cannot be deleted, the following error message will be shown.


The user has to remove campaign associations with forms in order to delete forms.

\uD83D\uDDD2 Summary


User Story


Archived forms listing

Lists all archived forms, their type and associations


Activate form

Allows the user to reactivate archived forms


Associated campaigns

Allows user to view all campaign association, add and remove campaign associations


Edit Delete Forms

Allows the user to edit delete archived forms



Allows the user to preview forms form fields page and thanks page


Save As New

Allows the user to save a form as new form


Table Filtering

Allows the user to filer the table values Form Id and Form Name
