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  • This line was removed.
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Page Properties

'Grant All'

POST /api/v4/campaigns/{campaignId}/grant-campaign-permissions-for-all-linked-users

Revoke user permissions

DELETE /api/v4/campaign-permissions/{permissionId}

Advanced tab

Retrieve processr jobs and suppression lists

GET /api/v4/campaign-processr-jobs

GET /api/v4/suppression-lists

Metadata tab

Retrieve metadata fields

GET /api/v4/campaign-data-fields?itemsPerPage=100&page=?

Update value for metadata

PUT /api/v4/campaigns/{campaignId}

SAVE campaign settings

PUT /api/v4/campaigns/{campaignId}

GET /api/v4/campaigns/{campaignId}

Platform URL


API Endpoints

Document status

Metrics tab

Retrieve country list

GET /api/v4/advertiser-lead-import-mapscountries?itemsPerPage=100&page=?

Retrieve categories list

GET /api/v4/formssubcategories?itemsPerPage=100&

Financials tab

Retrieve currency list

GET /api/v4/campaign-publisherscurrencies

Permissions tab

Retrieve user permissions and users

GET /api/v4/campaign-linkspermissions

GET /api/v4/leads-import/form/{formId}/campaign/{campaignId}/form-mapping

POST api/v4/leads-import/is-authorisation-required

POST api/v4/leads-import




Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Document status


Document owner

Danny Hannah Adam Carter

Technical writers

Arunima Kurup Prasad Barnaby Murtagh (Unlicensed)

Related Content

Create Campaign Delete, Pause and Duplicate Campaigns

🏠 Feature Overview

Actions on a campaign are logged in the ‘Audit’ section available in Campaign > Admin > Audit.


The data in this section is divided into 3 tabs:

  • User Events

  • Conversion Data

  • Events

  1. User Events

This is a table showing all the events at the campaign level.


Some of the events that are captured in this table are:

  • Creation/Removal of processr jobs

  • Change in processr job score

  • Publisher Assignment

  • Contract Signing by publishers

  • Change in publisher contracts

  • Import of leads

  • Flagging of leads

  • Change to campaign start/end dates

  • Addition/Update/Removal of whitepaper assets

  • Addition of campaign links

  • Duplication of campaign etc.

  • Addition/Update/Removal of value transforms

  • Convertr Connect sync tags placement etc.

The table has the following columns:






Event Time


Shows the date and time at which the user event is triggered




Shows the name of the user that performed the action


Log Content


A brief description of the user event such as: '40 leads were imported'

  • Search option is available for all columns

  • Sort option is available for ‘Event Time’ column

  • Pagination is available on the table

  • It is possible to download the table contents using the ‘Download Table Contents’ option in the table.

  1. Conversion Data

If a lead came into the platform via a publisher tracking link, then the details of these conversions are logged in the 'Conversion Data' tab.


The following columns are available in the ‘Conversion Data’ table:






Link ID


This is the ID of the tracking link created in Campaign > Tracking > Links, using which the lead was created


Click ID


This is a system generated unique number that refers to the user click on the tracking link


Referring URL


This is the URL of the domain that the tracking link is associated with and lead will be associated with


Click Time


The date and time at which the tracking link was clicked by the user


Conversion ID


This is a system generated unique number that refers to the conversion of click to lead


Lead ID


This is the ID of the lead created via the tracking link conversion


Sub ID




Conversion Time


The date and time at which the tracking link was converted to a lead




The amount associated with the conversion to lead




The campaign currency based on which the conversion will be billed

  • Search option is available for ‘Link ID', ‘Click ID’, ‘Lead ID’, ‘Conversion Time’ and 'Click Time’

  • Sort option is available for 'Link ID', ‘Click ID’ and ‘Lead ID’

  • Pagination is available on the table

  • It is possible to download the table contents using the ‘Download Table Contents’ option in the table

  1. Events

Details of events triggered based on tracking events configured on the campaign, if any, are logged in this table.

Tracking Events may be created and enabled to be triggered when certain set conditions are met. These are configured in Campaign > Tracking > Events.


Events that are triggered on the campaign are logged in Campaign > Admin > Audit > Events table.


The following columns are available in the ‘Events’ table:








This is a system generated unique number that identifies the event


Lead ID


This is the ID of the lead that triggered the event


Publisher ID


This is the ID of the publisher associated with the lead that triggered the event


Sub ID


Update Time


The date and time at which the event was triggered








IP Address


Order ID




Search and sort options are available for ‘ID', ‘Lead ID’, ‘Publisher ID’ and 'Order ID’


Pagination is available on the table


Any changes to the campaign configuration after it is created, can be done by the Admin/Agency users on the ‘Campaign Settings’ section. This is available in Setup under the Campaign > Admin menu.


The workflow is similar to the Create Campaign workflow and is composed of 7 steps.

i. Metrics

Some of the fields are similar to the 'Metrics' tab in the Create campaign flow.


Field Name



Performance Model






Start Date and End Date


Publisher Imports & Exports


Allow Bulk Editing of Data


This is not available in the create campaign flow. This setting determines whether bulk editing option should be enabled on the campaign.

ii. Owner

This tab is the same as the ‘Owner’ tab in the Create campaign flow except for the ‘Permissions’ details. In the campaign settings, the permission details are available as a separate tab. The Owner tab displays the ownership details such as account manager, campaign manager, etc. of the campaign.


Field Name





Shows the name of the Advertiser against which the campaign is created

Campaign Name


Account Manager


Campaign Manager




Purchase/Insertion order No.


Additional Reference Numbers


iii. Financials


This tab displays the financial details of the campaign, as configured in the create campaign flow. The Financials tab also has 2 additional non mandatory fields- ‘Default Sale Value’ and 'Default Sale Currency'.

Field Name





Conversion Rate


Volume Required


Available only for capped campaign

Payout metric


Publisher Payout metric


Per action payout amount


Default Publisher Rate


Default Sale Value


Overwrites any value passed within a Sales event tracking tag

Default Sale Currency


Overwrites any value passed within a Sales event tracking tag

iv. Permissions

This tab contains the permission details configured under the ‘Permissions’ section in the ‘Owner’ tab in the create campaign flow.


The table lists all users that can have access to the campaign. Individual users can be granted/revoked access to/from the campaign using the toggle option under ‘Access’ column.

The ‘Grant All’ button may be clicked if all the users on the given page, need to be granted access to the campaign.

v. Delivery:


The Delivery tab provides settings to configure leads delivery . The following fields are available in this tab.

Field Name



Enable Realtime Delivery


Same as in create campaign flow

Score Based Routing


Whether leads should be delivered to different integrations based on lead score

Value Based Routing


Whether leads should be delivered to different integrations based on a value on the lead

Call Centre Services


Same as in create campaign flow

Welcome Email


Whether a welcome email should be sent to publisher when assigned

Double Optin


Same as in create campaign flow > Tracking tab

Send Media Kit


Whether media kit should be sent to publisher when assigned

Hold Publisher Over delivery


Whether leads from a publisher should be held without integrating, if they exceed the publisher cap configured

Lead Process Delay


Whether a delay (in minutes) should be set for processing leads

Unavailable Campaign Logic


Same as the field in ‘Metrics’ tab in create campaign flow

Redirect URL


Same as in create campaign flow > Metrics tab

End Date Extension


Same as the field in ‘Metrics’ tab in create campaign flow

Stale Leads Threshold


The minimum number of days after which a lead will be marked as stale/invalid, if undelivered

vi. Advanced

The Advanced tab provides additional configurations for the campaign which are not available in the create campaign workflow.


The configurations and their description are given below:

Field Name


Publisher Notes

Any notes that the publisher must see when they are in the campaign can be configured here

Campaign API Key

Non editable API key which functions as an access token for the duration of the campaign. Publishers deliver leads to the platform using a Campaign webhook, which allows them to post data to the campaign using the Campaign API key.

Publisher Names

Test Mode

If this is enabled, leads in the campaign will be delivered to integrations regardless of their QA status but they will not be billable. This will not work if routing is enabled on the campaign.

Publisher Contract Auto Signing

If this is enabled, publisher contracts will be automatically signed and publisher media kits will not be sent to the publishers.

Manual Score

If this is selected, we can manually set score for leads to pass in the 'Minimum Lead Quality Score'.

Image Added

Any leads that have a score above this value will be marked a valid.

Set ‘Returned’ Flag Reason

If enabled, for Convertr Connect integrations, if leads marked as invalid, this will set 'Returned' as the default reason at the receiving enterprise.

Exclude from Business Insights

If enabled, this campaign will not be included in Enterprise > Business Insights

vii. Metadata

The final tab in campaign settings is the Metadata tab which will be available only if metadata is configured in Enterprise > Metadata.

On this tab, user can configure the values for ‘Metadata’ fields configured in Enterprise > Metadata.


If values are configured, these will be available in campaign level and will be available for reporting in Report Builder and Campaign Lead Export.

\uD83D\uDDD2 Summary

Summarise the functionalities in a table


User Story


User EventsCampaign Setup

Admin and Agency users can see the campaign details, make changes to some of changes on the fields and configure additional campaign , such as processr jobs added/removed, job score changes, campaign date changes, publisher associations etc.



Admin and Agency users can see details of leads created via tracking links



Admin and Agency users can see details of events triggered via tracking eventssettings related to delivery, metadata etc.

\uD83D\uDDD2 User Permissions
