Convertr Checks |
JobID | Job Name | DB ref | Short Description | Long Description |
Comments |
1001 | Duplicate Email Check | job.duplicate_email | Checks for |
Duplicate duplicate emails on a campaign level | The job runs to find out if the email address submitted is unique to the campaign. |
1002 | Suppressed Name Check | job.invalid_name | Checks for a combined first and last name on the suppression list | This jobs runs to check that the first and last name of the lead are not matched against a database of fake names, celebrity names, animal names, profanities and test data. |
1003 | Test Data Check | job.test_data | Checks to find the the word test within the lead data | This job runs to find test data which can include the word 'test' anywhere in the lead data as well as the postcode 'AA1 1AA' within the fields |
specified in configured on the job |
1004 | First and Last Name Check | job.first_last_name_match | Check to find if the first and last name match | This job runs to find out if the first and last name match |
and if . If they do match this will invalidate the lead. |
1006 | Non Standard Character Check | job.non_standard_characters | Check to find Non-standard characters within |
specified the configured fields. | This job runs to check if the lead data contains more than 3 non-standard characters ^ ,$ ,% ,! ,} ,{ ,* ,# ,? ,> ,< ,> ,= ,+ , _, \\, /. within the |
fields specified fields configured on the job. |
1007 | Repeated Character Check | job.repeat_character | Check to find if a character has been repeated 3 or more times in a row on a specified field | This jobs runs to find out if any characters have been repeated 3 or more times within the fields specified on the job. |
1008 | Office IP Check | job.office_ip | Check to find if the IP address on the lead matches the Convertr office account | This is a simple check to see if a lead has been entered from the IP address of the CVTR offices. |
1011 | Multiple Empty Fields Check | job.multiple_empty_fields | Check to find |
Incomplete or empty fields (3+ fields) within the lead data | This job runs to find out if there are 3 or more empty fields on the lead data |
fields specified within the job. |
1013 | Vowel Check | job.vowel_check | Check to find |
if that within the configured fields |
specified have vowels in them. | This job runs to see if there are vowels present, |
This this rule only applies to |
words character strings with no numbers and words over 3 characters and within the |
fields specified fields configured on the job. |
1016 | Repeated Value Check | job.repeated_fields | Check to find duplicate field content on the lead data within |
the fields specified the fields configured (max of 3 times) | This job runs to find out if there is lead |
data data that has been duplicated within the |
fields specified fields configured on the job 3 times or more |
1017 | Telephone Format Check | job.telephone_format | Check to find if the telephone number has any repeated or sequential numbers along with a check on minimum length | This job runs to find if the telephone number has the same number repeated more than 5 times or that there is a sequence of numbers running to a length of 5 digits. The length of the number is also checked with a minimum number of characters allowed. |
1018 | Multiple Short Values Check | job.multiple_short_values | Check to find multiple fields (3 or more) with less than 4 characters in the lead data. | This job runs to find |
If out if the lead has multiple fields with data which is shorter than 4 characters across all of the lead data |
1019 | Rapid Post Check | job.rapid_submit | Check to find if the lead has the same IP address as a previously submitted lead within 30 seconds | This job runs to find |
If out if the lead has been received on the same campaign |
from the same with an identical IP address within the last 30 seconds. |
1021 | User Overactivity Check | job.user_overactivity | Check to find if the email submitted has been submitted more than once in a time period within the same |
sectorcategory | This job runs to find |
If out if the lead email address has been submitted for 2 or more campaigns within the last 4 months that are in the same campaign |
sectorcategory. |
1022 | Profanity Check | job.profanity_check | Check to find if the lead data contains any profanities | This job runs to find if the lead data within the fields configured on the job contains any known profanities within our database of flagged values. |
1025 | Required Value Check | job.required_value | Checks the lead data contains the required fields and |
values specifiedvalues configured | This job acts as a mandatory lookup to confirm that the field is present on the lead and that its passes the required values set within |
the job.1035 | Live Email Validation Check | job.email_verify | A live check to test validity of the email addressThis runs to test the validity of the email address, we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our Email Validation Check, the provider does a live ping of the email address to ensure that it is real. |
1037 | Unique IP Address Check | job.unique_ip_address | Check to find if the lead has the same IP address as a previously submitted lead within the past 1 hour | This job runs to find out if the lead has been submitted more than once on the same campaign with the identical IP address within an hour. |
1038 | Duplicate Telephone Number Check | job.unique_telephone | Check for Duplicate telephone number on a campaign level | This job runs to find out if the telephone submitted on the lead is a duplicate within the campaign. |
1040 | Suppressed Email Check | job.suppressed_email | Check to find if the Email address is on the suppression list | This job runs to find out if the email on the lead is a match on the enterprise database of fake emails, disposable domains and test data. |
1041 | Live UK Telephone Check | job.data_8 | A live check to test the validity of the telephone number (UK Only) | This job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a live lookup to ensure that it is real. | 1047 | Conditional Mapping Check | job.conditional_mapping | Check to see if the lead passes all conditions |
specified configured on the job. | This jobs runs to validate lead data against multiple conditions specified on the |
jobeg job e.g does the lead pass condition 1, 2 and 3? if not fail. |
1057 | First and Last Name Length Check | job.length_check | Checks the combined length of the first and last name are not below a certain limit | The job runs to find out if the combined length of the first and last name fields pass the minimum character length set on the job |
1079 | Lead within time period | job.lead_time_period | Check to find if a lead is created outside the specified time period | This job runs to find out that when the lead was submitted it falls within a certain time period specified on the job |
1081 | Conditional Validation | job.conditional_validation | Check the lead matches |
job criteria job configuration after lead enrichment | This jobs runs to validate against data that has been enriched on the lead eg once the lead has been enriched the enriched data has to pass the criteria set on the job. |
1083 | Suppressed Telephone Check | job.suppressed_telephone | Check to find if the telephone number is on the suppression list | This job runs to find out if the number is listed within the suppression list that has been added to the campaign. |
1084 | Name is comprised of likely characters | job.first_name_chars | Check to ensure the first and last name are comprised of likely characters rather than random keyboard typing | This job runs to find out on each field that the lead data does not contain more that 4 instances of these value q, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m (per field). |
Eg E.g the letter q cannot be within the string more than 4 times |
1086 | Live International Telephone Check | job.data_8_intl | A live check against a database of live numbers to test the validity of the telephone numberThis job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. | 1088 | Global Telephone test | job.informatica | A live check against a database of live numbers to test the validity of the telephone number. | This job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. | 1090 | Value Transforms | job.value_transforms | Check to confirm that the field on the lead data matches an available option value transform | The job runs to find out if the lead data submitted has any fields that matches any value transform set on the campaign. |
Eg E.g if the lead data does not match any fields on the value transforms within the campaign the job will fail |
1091 | Duplicate Email For Same Publisher | job.duplicate_publisher_email | Checks for Duplicate emails on a publisher level | The job runs to find out if the email address submitted is unique to the publisher not the campaign. |
1109 | Lead Field Not Empty | job.field_not_empty | Check to find fields configured on the job has lead data. | This job runs to find out if the fields specified on the job has any lead data within them |
1110 | HLR Live Telephone Check | job.telephone_hlr | HLR Live Telephone: a live check to test the validity of the telephone number (ITA Only) | This job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. |
1115 | Simple Conditional Validation | job.simple_conditional_validation | Check to find if the lead data the |
passess the conditions passes the configuration set. | This job runs to find out if the lead data submitted within the |
mapped configured fields, passes or fails the conditions set on the job eg if a lead passes a specific pick list value |
1116 | Length check of given field | job.field_length_check | Check to find out if the amount of |
character characters within a field passes the |
amount specifiedamount configured | This job runs to find out if the data submitted within the mapped field passes the minimum character limit set on the job. |
1118 | Validation List Check | job.suppression_list | Check to find if the value submitted on the lead passes the list of values accepted on the acceptance/suppression List Check | The job runs to find out if the value submitted on the lead is available on the list assigned to that field eg |
Company company name on a key accounts list |
1121 | Enterprise Duplicate Email Check | job.enterprise_duplicate_email | Checks to find if the email address is a duplicate over a certain time period across on a advertiser or enterprise level. | The job runs to find if the email address submitted has been received on any other campaigns run by the same advertiser or on the entire enterprise. Eg if the lead was sent in Q1, flag if this lead is received in Q2 |
1130 | UK Telephone Preference Check (UK only) | job.data_8_tps | Checking to find if this number is on The Telephone Preference Service | This job runs to check that the number submitted is on the TPS, we use a 3rd Party API to conduct this lookup to confirm that status (UK Only) |
1134 | US address validation | job.address_doctor | Check to find the validity of the address submitted (US Only) | This job runs to test the validity of the US postal address we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our address validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. |
1137 | Constraints Check | job.constraints | Check lead field against pre defined syntax constraints | This job runs to find out if the string (text or number) within the field passes the syntax constraints applied to it eg is there enough letters and numbers in a postcode |
1138 | Multiple Field Duplication | job.multiple_duplicate_fields | Checks to find duplicates based off two or more fields | This job runs to find if a lead has 2 or more fields that is a duplicate to another lead eg does another lead have the same first and last name but a different email |
.1141 | Global Telephone test 2 | job.twilio | A live check against a database of live numbers to test the validity of the telephone number | This job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. |
1142 | Eloqua Duplicate Email | job.eloqua_duplicate_email | Check to find if a email address is a duplicate in Eloqua | This is a live API lookup on the specified Eloqua instance to find if the email submitted is a duplicate within |
there eloqua their Eloqua instance. |
1144 | Duplicate Field |
Count Limit Check | job.duplicate_field | Check to find duplicates based on a count limit | This jobs runs to find duplicates based off a count limit on a field when a value is inputted multiple times. |
Eg E.g a certain company name can only be accepted a number of times. |
1154 | Date Format Check | job.date_format_check | Check to find if that the date submitted is in the correct format. | This job runs to find out if the date that has been submitted matches the correct date format that has been configured on the job. |
1160 | Marketo Duplicate Email | job.marketo_duplicate_email | Check to find if an email address is a duplicate in Marketo | This is a live API lookup on the specified Marketo instance to find if the email submitted is a duplicate within their Marketo instance. |
API 3rd Party Checks |
Job ID | Job Name | DB ref | Short Description | Long Description |
1035 | Live Email Validation Check | job.email_verify | A live check to test the validity of the email address | This job runs to test the validity of the email address, we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our Email Validation Check, the provider does a live ping of the email address to ensure that it is real. |
1041 | Live UK Telephone Check | job.data_8 | A live check to test the validity of the telephone number (UK Only) | This job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a live lookup to ensure that it is real. |
1086 | Live International Telephone Check | job.data_8_intl | A live check against a database of live numbers to test the validity of the telephone number | This job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. |
1088 | Global Telephone test | job.informatica | A live check against a database of live numbers to test the validity of the telephone number. | This job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. |
1110 | HLR Live Telephone Check | job.telephone_hlr | HLR Live Telephone: a live check to test the validity of the telephone number (ITA Only) | This job runs to test the validity of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. |
1130 | UK Telephone Preference Check (UK only) | job.data_8_tps | Checking to find if this number is on The Telephone Preference Service | This job runs to check that the number submitted is on the TPS, we use a 3rd Party API to conduct this lookup to confirm that status (UK Only) |
1141 | Global Telephone test 2 | job.twilio | A live check against a database of correct number formats | This job runs to test the format of the telephone number we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our telephone validation format check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is in the right format. |
1036 | Post Code Validation Check | job.paf | Check to find if the postcode exists (UK ONLY) | Long: This job runs to test the validity of the UK postal address we use a 3rd Party API to conduct our address validation check, the provider does a database lookup to ensure that it is real. |