for all instances of<input type="text">
‘Input Hint' Usage Rules
Use 'input hints' for individual/single input feedback. For whole page related feedback, see Snackbar usage rules.
container if the input is required and needs a ‘required message' e.g. This field is required or if the field has HTML5 input validation, e.g. email format check
Click the ‘edit’ button to enable the input
Enter the new value
Click the ‘save’ button on the input
New value is saved without having to click a ‘whole panel’ save button
This method means that sensitive/impactful input values require a few purposeful UX interactions in order to be able to edit and save values, therefore preventing mistakes and errors. Currently, inline input editing is used on:
Advertisers > Advertiser > Value Transforms Table
Advertisers > Advertiser > Validations Lists Table
Campaign > Processr Table
Leads > Lead Profile Modal > Profile Tab Table [Development In Progress]
Input Prefix
N/A (Campaign > Publisher > Assign > Payout Column)