Move current form functionality from campaign level to global level.
Roadmap Feature
Quantitative Data:
Info |
Data driven justification for ux/ui changes, especially necessary for organic changes that do not originate from client requests or roadmap features. |
Competitor Research:
Navigation Structure
Navigation is under a subsection of ‘marketing’ but still its own entity
‘Forms’ have their own section under main navigation
Dedicated navigation item for forms
Global forms under subsection of ‘assets’
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‘Forms’ navigation to be a prominent section of platform function, implies global management and functions and moves away from one-to-one campaign and form relationships
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Forms Listing Page
Form listing includes unique column ‘appears on’ which is useful to show relationships between forms and their containers.
‘Create’ folder functionality to organise forms
Actions to manage form on form hover such as ‘delete’ and ‘duplicate’
‘Used by pages' gives indication of links/relationships
‘Archive’ folder included for organisation
Ability to create custom folder to further organise forms
Actions to manage form such as ‘clone’ and 'delete'
Various filters to show forms that are ‘recently accessed/modified'
Additional folders for extra organisation
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Include indication to show the linked forms/campaigns
Include usual management tasks such as ‘delete’ and ‘duplicate’
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No custom folders or ‘favourites’ section, as this would be inconsistent with rest of the platform and maybe cause too much confusion for non power-users as a v1 release
No extra filters for ‘recently accessed/modified' as all platform tables show default ordering as chronological from newest to oldest or alphabetical, including these would be inconsistent
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Form Reporting
The main click-through from form listing goes to for performance/reporting page
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We don’t require any sort of form reporting at the moment, but may be useful in the future if this is something we want to include for A/B testing purposes?
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Form Editing
Form editor actions dropdown containers various items, most notably ‘delete’ and ‘clone' and ‘create translation’
Form editor opens up in new window
Various actions shown within form builder so users don’t have to go back to form listing to perform management tasks
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Allow form management control from within form builder for easier access without having to go to form listing to manage form
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Don’t open in new tab, as we don’t do this anywhere else on platform, keep consistent and open in same page, and this way would still allow users to right click and open in new tab
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Add more control within form builder? Ability to archive from within form if we already have associate functionality?
Form Actions from Container
Option to ‘edit’ form from landing page editor, clicking ‘edit’ links through to the form editor.
Option to ‘create new’ from this area also, which automatically links this new form to the landing page and updates the form listing ‘appears on’ column automatically
Option to click through to form from landing page listing
Dependencies/links modal included to show links between form and containers
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Include shortcuts/quick actions from within campaign to allow quicker navigation from platform sections
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Proposal Feedback:
Product Team
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Remove form selection from campaign section
Add search filters added on all relevant table columns
Translation buttons added to form listing page
Added 'Create via CSV' button on form listing
Remove all instances of 'form status'
Add 'active/archive' form tabs
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On 'associate' modal, add column for form URL
This doesn’t make sense to include on the global level, as full form urls will be generated once associated to campaigns and would make sense to surface on campaign level, but form urls (without the campaign id in the url) can still be viewed by clicking ‘view’ on the form listing
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Client - Twogether
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Validation - guidance - knock-off effects to changes
Various validation and warning messages and confirmations added throughout process
Campaign specific form - Form Listings
Campaign side of mocks done
1 form set up
Description | Move current form functionality from campaign level to global level. |
Mockup | |
Assets | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HW8DIZ5P6llBtmb-ZVmNWLuWd2Eg02be?usp=sharing |
Quantitative Data:
Info |
Data driven justification for ux/ui changes, especially necessary for organic changes that do not originate from client requests or roadmap features. |
Link | Date Range | Item | Metric & Value | Assumption | ||||||||
16/11/2020 | form/edit | Average time on page
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16/11/2020 to 22/11/2020 | form/edit | Page views
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16/11/2020 to 22/11/2020 | form/list | Average time on page
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16/11/2020 to 22/11/2020 | form/list | Page views
Competitor Research:
Function | Findings | Image | Takeaways | ||||||||||||||||||
Navigation Structure | Hubspot
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Forms Listing Page | Hubspot
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Form Reporting | Hubspot
Alias/form label
This should be done with form naming as is currently done, we won’t be including a separate label column as this can already be achieved in the form name as it is not tied to the form slug
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Forget where I need to make a change notification
Do we need to include ‘manage’ button and from campaign form listing level, is this overkill? I think it’s required because as people get used to the workflow it will probably get requested
Need to decide if we go ahead with this, and if so will it go to table listing or straight to form builder?
Client - Spiceworks
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Form Editing | Hubspot
Find things by campaign, add more search filters
Added ‘advertiser’ column in associate modal and added filters for searching
table filtering and searching
Already in place
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Status | ||||
And if it is active/not all campaigns start and end
Add another column onto associate campaign modal to show campaign status?
Client - Dennis
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Form Actions from Container | Hubspot
keep form listing
Included in new mocks
editing terms - a bigger text area
Not related to this feature
advertiser tcs section - dynamic
Not related to this feature
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Client - Intensify
Proposal Feedback:
active/inactive view
Done through active form and archiveStakeholder | Date | Changes | ||||||
Product Team | 17/06/2020 |
advertiser listing
Included within associate campaign modal
list of all campaigns - to show available then add the filter
Done, associate modal now includes columns for campaign and relevant filters
Alias/form label
This should be done with form naming as is currently done, we won’t be including a separate label column as this can already be achieved in the form name as it is not tied to the form slug 28/09
Product Team
Product Team
Client - Twogether | 26/08/2020 |
‘Associated campaigns’ banner added to top of form builder page
Various confirmations/validation through modals and snackbars added throughout when changing aspects of the forms (saving/editing)
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Shows 2 ways to create an ‘isolated form’. The first way (images 5 to 11) is done within the form builder page through the ‘save as isolated form’ button. I’m not a fan of the first journey for a few reasons:
It seems weird to me that you have to option to save as an isolated form within the form builder, because I would class this task as ‘form management’ and not ‘form editing’, and I think the management of forms should be done through the form listing with all the other form management tasks and not the editor
After you’ve created your isolated form, you still have to manually associate it to the campaign you were just on (as we’ve decided that we’d click out to the global form builder when we want to edit a form from a campaign, so I don’t think there would be a simple way to automatically associate the form to the campaign you were just on - especially on scenarios where for example a user opens the form ‘edit’ button in a new tab rather than on the same tab)
If you’re intention from the very beginning was to have an isolated form from within a campaign, you first have to associate a form, click to edit that form, then save as an isolated form, then associate the form to the campaign you were just on, then when you go back to the campaign you end up having 2 forms in the campaign, and if you wanted to be clean and tidy then you’d remove the original form = a lot of steps. The second way (images 14 to 17) is through the ‘isolate selected form’ checkbox on the ‘associate’ dialog. I prefer this journey because:
This particular form management task of creating your isolated form is completed through the form listings where all the other form management happens
The association of your unique form is automatically achieved through this journey, you don’t have to manually associate the form after you’ve created the unique version, as this can be automatically done if you select the ‘isolate selected form’ checkbox = less steps, as the checkbox does a lot of things automatically
advertiser column on campaigns association
For the ‘associate form to campaign’ modal (e.g. image #6), advertiser column and column filters added which would make it easier to find associated campaigns for the scenario where a form has hundreds of campaigns associated to it
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Client - Spiceworks | 26/08/2020 |
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Client - Dennis | 26/08/2020 |
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Client - Intensify | 26/08/2020 |
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Product Team | 28/09/2020 |
Association and removing association should be same as Agency / Advertiser management (search and add style)
Done for campaign association
I still find the Campaign level “edit” a very confusing process. It might be a terminology thing but I think we need to work on making that process clearer or removing it.
I’ll change terminology to ‘manage’ for now, but then if we decide to remove it in the future then we can
I think Translations should also only be on global level - leaving just implementation info and view on the table.
Done for global form listing
Add the ‘active’ and ‘archived’ forms in the mocks
Done and included in mocks
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The other big issue is the save as new / cloning process - I think we need more information from clients on this. Should we have both the “Save as New” button in the form builder and the checkbox in the associate (?) modal on a campaign?
I’m going to make the change where clicking ‘manage’ from the campaign > form listing takes you to the global forms listing page with the single form filtered, but again if we decide to remove the ‘manage’ button all together from the campaign > form listing then i’ll remove this part from the mocks as well.
If we don’t remove this functionality then we need to finalise terminology
I still have my reservations about having the ‘save as new’ button in the form builder. Especially if we’re taking users from the campaign forms page (when they click the manage button) to the global forms listing page (with the campaigns associated form automatically filtered - e.g. image #41), then the ‘duplicate’ button serves the purpose of the ‘save as new’ button within the form builder. I also don’t think that people would go in to edit a new form with the mindset that they want to create a duplicate version (because we don’t current have this functionality and it’s not what our users are used to - they’re used to duplicating a form (currently via the ‘import’ button) and this mimics the functionality in the mocks).
If we’re having the ability to archive forms, do we need the ‘enabled’ toggle anymore?
CS/Sales Team
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select all on campaign association
Done, added a ‘remove all’ button, again for the scenario where users might want to remove all associations to a form
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Product Team | 22/10/2020 |
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CS/Sales Team | 27/10/2020 |
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Client - Dennis | 04/11/2020 |
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Product Team | 09/11/2020 |
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Client - Acquisition Inc | 09/11/2020 |
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Client - Hoburne | 11/11/2020 |
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Client - Intensify | 12/11/2020 |
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Client - Incisive | 20/11/2020 |
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Product Team | 09/12/2020 |
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Product Team | 06/01/2021 |
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Product Team | 13/01/2021 | GLOBAL FORMS (MAIN) MOCKS APPROVED | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Product Team | 20/01/2021 |
When deleting signing off on deletion
We already show in the mocks that if you want to delete a form you have to first remove any campaign associations (and if you don’t you’ll get a warning), then you can delete a form (and yet again you get a confirmation modal before you can finally delete). But CS/Sales mentioned that it would be good to have even more validation around deleting forms which I think is fair, it’ll only help reduce mistakes. A suggestion from Sophie was to add the ‘signed by’ input thing that we have when creating forms, but instead use it for confirmation when deleting forms, this is a good idea. An alternative would be to only allow deleting of forms only from the ‘archive’ tab and not the ‘active’ forms tab, so you first have to archive the form then once on the archive tab you can fully delete the form. Would be good to discuss which solution people prefer.
Terminology discussion
Already agree that ‘associations’ is new terminology we will be introducing but need to decide on final terminology for ‘save as new’/duplicate/clone button form?
Client - Dennis
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Product Team | 20/01/2021 | GLOBAL FORMS (DYNAMIC THANKS PAGE) MOCKS APPROVED | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Product Team | 03/02/2021 | GLOBAL FORMS (DYNAMIC FORM FIELD) MOCKS APPROVED | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Product Team | 08/06/2021 |
Info |
To be completed after this features release. The retrospective should allow a basis for further improvements to this feature. |
User Feedback
Stakeholder | Date | Description |
Quantitative Data
Source | Link | Description | Findings |