Code Block | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
{ "access_token": "NWY0OWNmZTJlNjA1YWE1ZDY5YjM0NGM2NTg0NjRkN2FiOTRhNWJkNTEzNWUyODM3ZTVmY2M0ZTNjNDM0YWU2ZQ", "expires_in": 3600, "token_type": "bearer", "scope": null, "refresh_token": "MWI1ZTQ2ODg5NWY2NzY4ZTMzNmJiN2U5MmIxM2YyMGNmMzlhZWQwZTU3OGNjODM2Y2I0NDNhMjdmYWI3NTFhMA" } |
You will then need to reference the access_token in all subsequent requests with the following url parameter: access_token
In order for you to see additional context about the API end points, it's recommended that you use the .jsonld
url extension. This will provide you additional information about the response, such as pagination, total records and next and previous urls.