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Page Properties

Platform URL


API Endpoints

Load the previously saved form templates

GET /api/v4/advertiser-lead-import-maps

Load the forms associated with the campaign

GET /api/v4/forms

Load the publishers assigned t the campaign

GET api/v4/campaign-publishers

Load the tracking links on the campaign

GET api/v4/campaign-links

Load the mapping for the selected form

GET api/v4/leads-import/form/{formId}/campaign/{campaignId}/form-mapping

Check if authorisation is required- if publisher over delivery, this will be true, else false.

POST api/v4/leads-import/is-authorisation-required

Import the leads to the campaign

POST api/v4/leads-import


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Danny Hannah Adam Carter

Technical writers

Arunima Kurup Prasad

Related Content

Campaign Publishers


On the next step, ‘Mapping’, the user must map the form fields with the fields on the CSV file. If the mapping is incorrect, it can lead to incorrect data being mapped to form fields and can make a lead invalid.

Save as New Template

The Mapping can be done on a field to field basis or, by selecting a previously saved templatestep provides a ‘Save as new template’ checkbox option which the user can select to create templates.


This allows the users to save the mapping setup as a new template for future imports. After entering the fields, the user can check the checkbox, enter the name for the new mapping template and click the 'Save' button. This will create and save the new template and simultaneously import the leads to the campaign.

Managing Templates

Saved templates will be available in the ‘Mapping Template’ dropdown in the Mapping step. Users can manage previously saved mapping templates. Users can select a template from the dropdown to load or delete a chosen template, or reset the field mapping to the original stateand click on ‘Load’ button to load the template, as shown below.


If the user wishes to reset the mapping, they can do so by clicking on the ‘Reset’ button.

If the user wishes to delete a mapping template, they can do so by selecting the template and then clicking on the ‘Delete’ button.

When a template is deleted, the user gets a snack bar notification and the template will no longer be listed in the Mapping Template dropdown.


Mapping can be done on a field to field basis or, by selecting a previously saved template. While importing leads, user can select from previously saved templates from the dropdown. If no template is available, they can use the ‘Save as new template’ checkbox to save the mapping as a new template for future use on the campaign.


Summarise the functionalities in a table


User Story



Admin, Agency users and call centre users can download a sample CSV file with the fields required for the campaign and then upload a completed CSV file with lead details



Admin, Agency users and call centre users can select the publisher, tracking link for the set of leads and can also mark leads as replacement



Admin, Agency users and call centre users can map form fields to CSV file’s fields and also save templates or reuse templates previously saved on the campaign



Admin, Agency users and call centre users can see a preview of 5 records that will be imported to the campaign so that they can confirm the data and can go to previous steps to edit the data

\uD83D\uDDD2 User Permissions

Mention if access needs to be enabled for any user roles and attach the user matrixAdmin, Agency users and call centre users can import leads to a campaign.