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Page Properties


Target release



Platform URL



Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

API Endpoints

Download validation list

POST https://{enterprise}

Show/Add/Remove/Edit validation list

GET/POST/DELETE/PUT https://{enterprise}

Add/Edit/Remove value to/from validation list

POST/PUT/DELETE https://{enterprise}

Retrieve validation list values

GET https://{enterprise}

Import values to validation list



Document status




Document owner

Danny Hannah




Amish Ladhu


Tech lead


Technical writers


Danny Hannah




🏠 Feature Overview

Validation Lists are a flexible way to create as a type of list which can be used to validate information against. This can be a suppression list (a list of values to exclude against), white or black list, or a key account list (leads have to match against) and commonly a pick list (ensuring a lead value matches a predefined set of values).

Common examples of a validation list tend to be company names that a client whats wants to target and will only validate leads that when the company name matches a value within the list - e.g. As a user I only want to have leads from fortune 500 companies.

We should have 2 types of Validation lists. One that is global on the enterprise and can be used by all Advertiser campaigns: ‘System > Validation Lists’. The other type should be is associated to a specific Advertiser and only availabel available for use on their campaigns.


Validation lists will tend to have thousands of records if not more.





User Story




Jira Issue




CRUD global validation lists


As an admin or agency user, I should be able to create, edit and delete validation lists on a global level. I should be able to create many validation lists globally.

I should be able to set a “name” for my validation list so I can determine it’s contents.




CRUD advertiser validation lists 


As an admin or agency user, I should be able to create, edit and delete validation lists specifically to an Advertiser within the system. As per the global lists, I should be able to create many validations lists for a single advertiser.

I should be able to set a “name” for my validation list so I can determine it’s contents









Allow advertisers to create “Private” validation lists


As an Advertiser user, I should be able to create my own validation list and mark it as private.

The role of the “private” validation list is to allow the advertiser to upload potentially sensitive information without exposing it to Agency or Publisher user types.

Admin + Super Admin users should still be able to see private validations lists.




Validation List Processr Job


As a user that sets up or manages a campaign, I would like to be able to cross reference a lead field value against the values of my validation list.

I should be able to decide whether to perform an exact match on the values or use a partial match.

I should also be able to choose whether matching a value is either a good thing or bad thing and pass / fail accordingly.

I should also be able to configure a field name which contains multiple values and ensure they are all in a single validation list. For example I might have a field of subscribed_email_lists which has a value of main_list,priority_list, I would like to check that both main_list and priority_list are contained in my validation list.

I should also be able to choose whether to check the list strictly or loosely, using case sensitivity.

Finally, I should be able to optionally bypass the check if I have a blank|empty value for my chosen field. This would be for us to handle fields that are optional, but if populated check against the validation lists values.




Make validation lists visible to Publishers


As a publisher user, it would be useful for me to be able to download the contents of a validation list so I can ensure I am meeting the requirements of the campaign.

As an agency user, I should be able to choose which validation lists to show to publishers. I should not be able to expose private validation lists.




Import values using CSV file


As a user of the validation lists feature, I would expect to be able to import large CSV files of values for a validation list - this should be available for both adding and editing validation lists. I would also expect to have some sort of template or guide as to what format to import the values in.


Validation on Deletion


As an admin or agency user, when trying to delete a validation list the platform will prompt for validation confirming that validation isn't assigned on and campaigns.

If so the validation list will need to be removed from a campaign before you can delete the validation list.

User interaction and design

Open Questions






Date Answered

Out of Scope


: 'Advertisers > Validation Lists' (See Related Content in the table above)


Admin and Agency users can create and manage global validation lists by navigating to System > Validation Lists. Global validation lists created are listed in a table that has the following columns: ID, Name, Value Count and Actions.

  • ID: Unique ID to identify the validation list. The column also provides an option to search by validation list ID and sort the ID in asc/desc order.

  • Name: Name of the validation list. It is possible for the user to edit and save the name in line. The column also provides an option to search by the name validation list and sort the name in asc/desc order.

  • Value Count: Shows the number of values in the validation list.

  • Actions: This column contains the Add/Edit and Download buttons.

The table also has pagination and an option to download the page contents as a CSV file.


Add Validation Lists

Above the validation list table is available an Add button using which the user can create new validation lists. Clicking on the Add button opens a modal where the user must enter the name of the validation list.


Clicking on Save, opens a ‘Add Validation List’ modal with 2 tabs: ‘Add Values’, ‘Import Values’.

  • Add Value: Using the ‘New Value’ text field and ‘Add’ button, new values may be added to the validation list. Values added this way will be shown as a table with fields: ID and Value.

    • Image Added
  • Import Value: A blue banner provides a link to download a sample CSV format in which the values must be imported to the validation list. Once the CSV file has been created in the required format, the user can browse and import the file in this tab. Imported values will be shown as a table in the ‘Add Value’ tab with fields: ID and Value.

    • Image Added

The user can remove individual/multiple values from the validation list by clicking the corresponding checkbox and clicking on the ‘Remove’ button. A confirmation dialog box is shown to the user for confirming the delete action. Using the ‘Remove All' button, all values in the validation list may be deleted by confirming the action in the dialog box.


Delete Validation Lists

Validation lists can be deleted by clicking on the ‘Delete’ button available above the validation lists listing table. The user may select individual or multiple validation lists for deletion. On clicking Delete, a confirmation dialog is shown to the user. Upon confirmation, the validation list will be deleted only if the selected validation list is not assigned to any processr jobs. If the validation list is used in any campaign’s processr job, an error message will be shown to the user.


If the validation list is not used in any campaign, it will be removed from the listing.

Add/Edit values

User can add values to/edit existing values on validation lists by clicking on the Add/Edit button available against each validation list. It opens the ‘Edit Values’ modal and contains 2 tabs: ‘Add Values’ and ‘Import Values'. The working is the same as the ‘Add Values’ modal.


Download validation list values

Each individual validation list may be downloaded by clicking on the Download button available against each validation list. An email will be sent to the user when the download is complete; the values of the validation list will be downloaded in CSV format.


Validation List Processr Job

It is possible to cross reference a lead field value against the values of a validation list and decide whether to perform an exact match on the values or use a partial match or check the list strictly or loosely, using case sensitivity. The user can choose whether matching a value is either a good thing or bad thing and pass / fail accordingly.

\uD83D\uDDD2 User Permissions

Only Admin and Agency users have access to System validation lists