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Page Properties

Document owner

Project lead

Business objective(s)

Which business objective(s) does this work toward (i.e. business need)?

Business KPIs

Which KPIs will this impact?

Table of Contents

📔 Process and Documentation

Be sure to check the communications process and start the internal communications template.

(lightbulb) Hypothesis

E.g. By doing this we intend to [XYZ]. If we get this right we expect to see [IMPACT]. It is OK for the outcome to be a ‘learning’.

🎯 Customer Needs (Opportunity)

These are the customer needs, pain points and desires that (if we are successful in meeting) will help achieve the business need (i.e. provide value to the business).


Be sure to include evidence to prove we know this is a need (can be covered below as needed).

🛑 What problem do they have meeting this need today?

  • How do they meet this need today

  • What problem will we solve by doing this

  • How do we know this is a problem (provide evidence)

\uD83D\uDCCA Success Metrics

Must be quantitative and timebound e.g. Increase X from Y to Z by [DATE]. Also be sure that these are directly attributable to the work within control of Product (or state where this might not be the case). For example, a new feature without promotion might not be discovered and adopted).

Goal / Outcome


📈  Market, Competition and Opportunity Analysis

  • Who is the market for this initiative, how big is the market and how do we know? This is the business reason for doing this.

  • Who/what will we compete against and how will we win.

  • Note that the depth of this analysis needs to be dependent on the size and complexity of the opportunity. E.g. a smaller feature might not require too much, but a new market or segment would require a lot more.

\uD83E\uDD14 Assumptions

What would need to be true for this to be successful…

The risks to consider include:

  • Desirability - will they want it

  • Usability - can we make it simple enough to understand and use

  • Feasibility - can we build it

  • Viability - it fits with our business model

Low Risk

High Risk
If we are wrong about this, failure is likely

Low Knowledge

Little data available

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Anything in here needs testing…

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High Knowledge

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\uD83D\uDDD2 Requirements

A high level overview…

Requirement Headline







\uD83C\uDFA8 Solution Discovery

We are going to build a feature that achieves [ABC] by doing [XYZ].

Include links to:

  • Designs

  • User testing and results

  • Flow diagrams

  • Tech solution (architecture design and other assets)

(question) Open Questions



(warning) Out of Scope

Explicitly state what is not covered by this work (where it might reasonably be assumed it would be covered).
