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Target release N/A | N/AEpic
Designer Tech lead Technical writers QA |
Feature Overview
The enterprise currency section, allows Super Admin and Admin users to add multiple currencies to the platform. A Super Admin or Admin are the only user types that can do this.
When adding currencies to the platform, the user can specify which currency is first currency becomes the base currency. After selecting the base currency this , which will be the default currency symbol that is displayed all throughout the platform. , for example in the main dashboard, reports etc.
New currency can be added using the ‘Add’ button as shown below.
When adding multiple currencies to the platform this will also allow the user when creating a campaign to specify a different currency on the campaign to from the base. The user can also specify the ‘Convertion ‘Conversion Rate To Base Currency’ this , which will affect the conversation when assigning the publisher to a campaign that has a different currency selected from the base.conversion when calculating (spending/budget) back to the platform base currency.
The below screenshot shows the ‘Financials’ tab in the Create campaign flow where the user can select from multiple currencies configured in the system.
When a currency is selected from the dropdown, the conversion rate with respect to the base currency is automatically populated from the settings in Enterprise > Currencies for that currency.
Even though individual campaigns can have a different currency all reporting figures throughout the platform will still result in the base currency.
It is not possible to delete currencies as this will result in breaking campaigns that are configured using those currencies.
\uD83D\uDDD2 Summary
Functionality | User Story |
1 |
CRUD global validation lists
As an admin or agency user, I should be able to create, edit and delete validation lists on a global level. I should be able to create many validation lists globally.
I should be able to set a “name” for my validation list so I can determine it’s contents.
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CRUD advertiser validation lists
As an admin or agency user, I should be able to create, edit and delete validation lists specifically to an Advertiser within the system. As per the global lists, I should be able to create many validations lists for a single advertiser.
I should be able to set a “name” for my validation list so I can determine it’s contents
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Allow advertisers to create “Private” validation lists
As an Advertiser user, I should be able to create my own validation list and mark it as private.
The role of the “private” validation list is to allow the advertiser to upload potentially sensitive information without exposing it to Agency or Publisher user types.
Admin + Super Admin users should still be able to see private validations lists.
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Validation List Processr Job
As a user that sets up or manages a campaign, I would like to be able to cross reference a lead field value against the values of my validation list.
I should be able to decide whether to perform an exact match on the values or use a partial match.
I should also be able to choose whether matching a value is either a good thing or bad thing and pass / fail accordingly.
I should also be able to configure a field name which contains multiple values and ensure they are all in a single validation list. For example I might have a field of subscribed_email_lists
which has a value of main_list,priority_list
, I would like to check that both main_list
and priority_list
are contained in my validation list.
I should also be able to choose whether to check the list strictly or loosely, using case sensitivity.
Finally, I should be able to optionally bypass the check if I have a blank|empty value for my chosen field. This would be for us to handle fields that are optional, but if populated check against the validation lists values.
Status | ||||
Make validation lists visible to Publishers
As a publisher user, it would be useful for me to be able to download the contents of a validation list so I can ensure I am meeting the requirements of the campaign.
As an agency user, I should be able to choose which validation lists to show to publishers. I should not be able to expose private validation lists.
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Import values using CSV file
As a user of the validation lists feature, I would expect to be able to import large CSV files of values for a validation list - this should be available for both adding and editing validation lists. I would also expect to have some sort of template or guide as to what format to import the values in.
Validation on Deletion
As an admin or agency user, when trying to delete a validation list the platform will prompt for validation confirming that validation isn't assigned on and campaigns.
If so the validation list will need to be removed from a campaign before you can delete the validation list.
User interaction and design
Open Questions
Date Answered
Out of Scope
Add currencies | An Admin/Super admin can add multiple currencies to the platform in a way that the first one is set as the base currency and the conversion rates of the remaining can be set with respect to the base currency, so that campaigns can be created using different currencies and the rate to base functionality can be utilised to populate any financial reporting linked to the campaign. | |
2 | Edit currency | An Admin/Super admin can edit the name, symbol and conversion rate of currencies with respect to the base currency so that the conversion rates are up to date. |
3 | Delete currency | An Admin/Super admin should not be able to delete any existing currencies from the platform so that it does not affect any campaigns configured with those currencies. |
\uD83D\uDDD2 User Permissions
Only Super Admin and Admin users have access to the Enterprise section of the platform.