Active White Papers API will return all white papers that are available for specified locale and website.
Once you've requested an access token, you'll be able to start making calls to the API.
Note |
Info |
Please note that in order for white papers to appear in the response, they need to follow the existing logic and meet the following criteria:
Once you've requested an access token, you'll be able to start making calls to the API.
Note |
Be aware that if your password is expired you will still receive an access token, but will receive the following error on any other API requests. You can see the status |
Active Campaign White Papers API
Please note that in order for white papers to appear in the response, they need to follow the existing logic and meet the following criteria:
Be assigned to an active campaign
Campaign must have not ended
Campaign must have available allocation or be uncapped
Have an active “Publisher” on the associated campaign
Code Block |
https://{enterprise}{WEBSITE_ID}/{LOCALE_ID}?access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN} |