Platform URL | https://[enterprise]{campaignId}/leads | ||||||||||||||||
API Endpoints | Load Form
Load Mapping
Upload CSV file
Bulk Edit of Leads
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🏠 Feature Overview
Provide an overview of the feature and describe:
Like the Global leads page, the Campaign > Leads page also has a Flag/manage option that allows admin users and agency users to flag leads as Valid/Invalid/Test and to manage (mark as delivered, reprocess, delete etc.) leads, within the campaign.
This Flag/Manage functionality enables the user to manually update the lead status.
The option is available just above the leads listing table.
Flagging/Managing leads involves 3 steps:
Leads selection
Type selection
Step 1: Leads
This step involves selecting the leads for actioning. The user can select leads in multiple ways:
i. User can use the checkboxes available against each lead to select the lead, as shown below
ii. User can type in the lead ids in the text area provided under ‘LEAD ID(S)’
iii. User can import leads via CSV file using the Import icon, shown below
\uD83D\uDDD2 Summary
Summarise the functionalities in a table
Requirement | User Story | Importance | Jira Issue | Notes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Bulk Edit | As an admin or agency user they will need to have the ability to perform all of the above action 1-6 within a bulk action. The user will be able to input a list of lead id(s) (separated by a semicolon) then select the action they wish to perform in bulk. |
| 2 | Add Lead Data | As an admin or unmasked agency user, they have the ability to add lead data to an existing lead. When the user interacts with the lead they can click add and then input the additional data to the lead record |
| 3 | Edit Lead Data | As an admin or unmasked agency user, they have the ability to edit lead data to an existing lead. When the user interacts with the lead they can click edit and then change the data on the lead record |