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🏠 Feature Overview
The Campaign > Publishers page
Agency Name
Name has to be unique
First Name
Last Name
It is possible to add multiple mail ids
search and filter options available on table columns, if any
custom table views, pagination, if available
\uD83D\uDDD2 Summary
Summarise the functionalities in a table
User Story
Pending Batches
Users can see the table listing of all the files ready to be sent
Pending Batches > Configure
Redirects the user to the batch CSV integration config
Pending Batches > View
Allows the user to which leads are queued to be sent
Pending Batches > Batch now
Allows the user to override the schedule and push the file through immediately
Sent Batches
Users can see the table listing of all the files that have been sent
Sent Batches > View
Allows the user to which leads have been sent
Sent Batches > Download
Users can download the file that have been sent
Table Filtering
Allows the user to filer the table values using Advertiser Id, Advertiser Name, Campaign Id, Campaign Name and Label
Custom Tables
A user can add, remove and reset columns for custom table
\uD83D\uDDD2 User Permissions
Mention if access needs to be enabled for any user roles and attach the user matrix.