The Global Leads page has a Flag/manage option that allows admin users and agency users to flag leads as Valid/Invalid/Test and to manage (mark as delivered, reprocess, delete etc.) leads.
Flagging leads involves 3 steps:
Leads selection
Type selection
Step 1: Leads
This step involves selecting the leads for actioning. The user can select leads in multiple ways:
Here, the user can select the type of flagging or management for the selected leads. THe The below options are available:
Reprocess a Lead: when selecting the lead(s), user has the option to reprocess them and to re-run all of the ‘Processr Jobs’ and Value transforms for that specific lead(s)
Flag a Lead as Valid, Invalid or Test: when selecting the lead(s), they have the option to flag a lead as Valid with the option to select why it has been accepted if one of the options does not apply the user can as well specify their own reason. Once flagging a lead as valid the user additionally has the option to then decide which integration they would like to run.
When selecting the lead(s), they have the option to flag a lead as invalid with the option to select why it has been rejected, if one of the options does not apply the user can as well specify their own reason.
Mark as Valid: This is used to flag a Lead as Valid. If a processr job has marked a lead as invalid/caution, the user can use this option to flag the lead as valid.
If the user selects this Type and proceeds to Processing step, they will be asked to select a mandatory reason and provide an arbitrary comment. The following reasons are available for the user to choose from.
There is also an ‘Integrations’ section that lists the integration jobs configured in the campaign. If the user wants the lead to be sent to the integrations, they can do so by selecting the appropriate checkboxes against the integration jobs.
Once processing is completed, the lead’s ‘Current Status’ will be ‘Valid’. Any comment added by the user at the time of flagging will be shown in the ‘Status history’ tooltip as shown below.
Mark as Invalid: This is used to flag a Lead as Invalid. If a processr job has marked a lead as valid/caution, the user can use this option to flag the lead as invalid.
If the user selects this Type and proceeds to Processing step, they will be asked to select a mandatory reason and provide an arbitrary comment. The following reasons are available for the user to choose from.
Once processing is completed, the lead’s ‘Current Status’ will be ‘Invalid’. Any comment added by the user at the time of flagging will be shown in the ‘Status history’ tooltip as shown below.
Mark as Test: This is used to flag a Lead as Test. If the user does not want to deliver leads to any integration and want to mark some leads as test data, they can do so by flagging the leads as Test.
If the user selects this Type and proceeds to Processing step, they will be asked to select a mandatory reason and provide an arbitrary comment. The following reasons are available for the user to choose from.
Once processing is completed, the lead’s ‘Current Status’ will be ‘Test’. Any comment added by the user at the time of flagging will be shown in the ‘Status history’ tooltip as shown below.
Mark as Undelivered: It is not possible to change the processr status of delivered leads. Delivered leads will be ignored during flag/manage.
In order to flag delivered leads, they will first have to be marked as undelivered. For this reason, we have the option ‘Mark as Undelivered’. Only the delivery status will change, lead will not be revoked from integration system.
If the user selects this Type and proceeds to Processing step, they will be asked to agree to the condition that marking the lead as undelivered would affect the payout amounts of advertisers and publishers.
Once processing is completed, the lead’s ‘Delivery’ status will be ‘Not Delivered’.
Mark as Delivered: This is used to mark a Lead as Delivered. If the user does not want to deliver leads to any integration and want to mark some leads as test data, they can do so by flagging the leads as Test.
If the user selects this Type and proceeds to Processing step, they will be asked to agree to the condition that marking the lead as delivered may affect the billable status.
Once processing is completed, the lead’s ‘Delivery’ status will be ‘Delivered’ but will not be sent to any integrations.
Mark as Other: This is used to flag a Lead as Replacement. If the user wants to send leads that are replacement to invalid/returned leads, they can do so by flagging the leads as Other and selecting the reason as Replacement.
If the user wants to change the reason of a lead that is flagged as ‘Replacement’, they can select the option None.
The user may also provide a reason for flagging a lead as Replacement/None.
If reason: replacement - processing
If reason: None- processing
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Reprocess Leads: When selecting the lead(s),
they haveuser has the option to
flag a lead as a test with the option to select why it has been marked as a test lead, if one of the options does not apply the user can as well specify their own reason.reprocess them and to re-run all of the ‘Processr Jobs’ and Value transforms for that specific lead(s)
Delete Leads:
Mark a lead as Delivered and Undelivered: when selecting the lead(s), If the lead is valid and undelivered, they have the option to mark a lead as delivered which in hand marks the lead as billable to the advertiser. The user will need to sign and confirm before performing the action.
When selecting the lead(s), If the lead is valid and delivered, they have the option to mark a lead as undelivered which in hand marks the lead as not billable to the advertiser. The user will need to sign and confirm before performing the action.
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