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Page Properties

Platform URL


API Endpoints

Fetch all associated forms

GET https://{enterprise}

Update association

PUT https://{enterprise}{formid}

Remove association

POST https://{enterprise}

DELETE https://{enterprise}{campaignid}

PUT https://{enterprise}{formid}


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Document status


Document owner

Danny Hannah Adam Carter

Technical writers

Arunima Kurup Prasad Barnaby Murtagh (Unlicensed)

Related Content


🏠 Feature Overview

Provide an overview of the feature and describe:

  • users who can access the page on the platform

  • widgets available to the users

  • functionalities available: Listing page, add, edit, delete, download etc. with screenshots

  • for add/create modals, provide details of the fields to be submitted to complete the action

E.g.Form Association allows users to select a Form that they wish to be linked to a Campaign in order to process leads that are submitted via a form.




Agency NameCampaign


Name has to be unique

First Name


Last Name




It is possible to add multiple mail ids





  • search and filter options available on table columns, if any

  • custom table views, pagination, if available


Search input to select a Campaign to associate a form to.

\uD83D\uDDD2 Summary

Summarise the functionalities in a table


User Story


Pending Batches

Users can see the table listing of all the files ready to be sent


Pending Batches > Configure

Redirects the user to the batch CSV integration config


Pending Batches > View

Allows the user to which leads are queued to be sent


Pending Batches > Batch now

Allows the user to override the schedule and push the file through immediately


Sent Batches

Users can see the table listing of all the files that have been sent


Sent Batches > View

Allows the user to which leads have been sent


Sent Batches > Download

Users can download the file that have been sent


Table Filtering

Allows the user to filer the table values using Advertiser Id, Advertiser Name, Campaign Id, Campaign Name and Label


Custom Tables

A user can add, remove and reset columns for custom tableAssociate Form to Campaign

User can ‘Add’ a form to a campaign so that leads can be submitted via the form and the submissions will be associated to the campaign.


Disassociate Form from Campaign

Users can ‘Remove’ a Form from a Campaign

Associate A Form To A Campaign

Once your form has been created, either from scratch or via CSV, you will need to associate it to a campaign.

  1. Within the Forms tab on the left navigation, select the link next to your form under the Associated Campaigns column:

a. If you are associating a new form, this column will display "0 Campaigns"


b. If associating a previous form this will say "X Campaigns", based on the number of campaigns that that form is currently associated with. You can Associate by clicking the campaign hyperlink or by clicking ‘Edit’ and selecting the ‘Associate’ button


Image Added

  1. Within the Campaigns field, select the campaign(s) from the dropdown list that you want to associate. This will make the form available to the campaign(s). You can add multiple campaigns to a form at once. 

mceclip0.pngImage Added

  1. Select the Campaign you want to Associate the Form with


  1. Click Add


  1. Select Save



How To Disassociate A Form From A Campaign

You can archive a form whilst it still has associated campaigns. Note if you want to delete the Form then you will have to disassociate all connections ie. Landing pages, Campaigns, Assets etc. 

  1. Within the Forms tab on the left navigation, select the link within the Associated Campaigns column


  1. Click Remove beside each campaign


  1. Click Save


\uD83D\uDDD2 User Permissions
