Product | 17/03/23 | Status |
colour | Yellow |
title | need more info |
Status |
colour | Blue |
title | TO DISCUSS |
‘Configure’ step 2, for ‘validation lists’ values will not be shown in column because there could be too many to show New step to include ‘integration’ configuration? Listing needs ‘domain’ column and ‘advertiser’ column Dashboard to have new column to show if campaign is ‘connected’Audit details will be on system level Step 1 select ‘existing campaign’ should have advertiser first Step 1 setup, step 2 form mapping Mapping is required on ‘form’ not on ‘job’ If select from linked enterprise then mapping is ‘done’ because sending enterprise has done this If select own form, then mapping is required
Step 1 - ‘select existing campaign' interface should only be a 1 to 1 relationship, so cannot add more than 1 campaign to assign a configuration to Visibility for publishers, for v1, change to single toggle so no need to ‘per publisher’ selection for nowMocks for configuration updates, e.g. on jobs step, have column for ‘type of update’ then highlight the jobs that have been added, changed, removed (tracked based on campaign ID)