Versions Compared


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  • ‘Connect’ sidebar item to show even if credential manager hasn’t been configured (if users navigate to ‘connect’ in sidebar without credential setup, the listing will remain empty)


  • Potentially merge management screen with ‘dashboard’ somehow, maybe new tab?

    • Instead, have indicator on dashboard that campaign is ‘connected’

titleneed more info


  • Terminology change for ‘Active Configurations’ and ‘Inactive Configurations'

    • Arunima suggested changing ‘Inactive’ to ‘Completed’ or ‘Pending Changes’ or ‘Action Required’?

  • Potentially merge management screen with ‘dashboard’ somehow, maybe new tab?

  • Handling of updates (rokas needed)Developement things to talk to rokas about

    • Handing of updates

      • if a configuration change is made (like a job is updated, job is added, job is removed) how do we track and send this across enterprises? Via job id?

    • In mappings, can only reference fields in processr once a lead is in because the fields come from the lead data

    (rokas needed)
    • Change

      • Can we change behaviour so fields come from associated form on the campaign

      (value transforms is an issue)
      • ? Dropdown of fields in integrations should come from forms (value transforms is an issue?)

titleTO DO

‘Connect’ sidebar item to show even if credential manager hasn’t been configured

  • ‘Configure’ step 2, for ‘validation lists’ values will not be shown in column because there could be too many to show

    • But if we have ‘view details’ then it could have table with pagniation of values

  • New step to include ‘integration’ configuration?

  • Listing needs ‘domain’ column and ‘advertiser’ column

  • Dashboard to have new column to show if campaign is ‘connected’

  • Audit details will be on system level

  • Step 1 select ‘existing campaign’ should have advertiser first

  • Step 1 setup, step 2 form mapping

    • Mapping is required on ‘form’ not on ‘job’

    • If select from linked enterprise then mapping is ‘done’ because sending enterprise has done this

    • If select own form, then mapping is required

  • Step 1 - ‘select existing campaign' interface should only be a 1 to 1 relationship, so cannot add more than 1 campaign to assign a configuration to

    • Then on processr we could have a feature to ‘import’ all processr jobs from another campaign

    • So ‘associated campaigns’ no longer required

  • Visibility for publishers, for v1, change to single toggle so no need to ‘per publisher’ selection for now

  • Mocks for configuration updates, e.g. on jobs step, have column for ‘type of update’ then highlight the jobs that have been added, changed, removed (tracked based on campaign ID)
