Versions Compared


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  • ‘Connect’ sidebar item

    • This should show even if credential manager hasn’t been configured

    • If users navigate to ‘connect’ in sidebar without credential setup, the listing will be empty

  • Audit of chnages

    • Details will be on system level

  • Campaign processr < visibility for publishers

    • For v1 this should be asingle toggle to apply to all publishers

    • V2 may have ‘per publisher selection’ if required

  • Tab terminology

    • Changed from ‘Active Configurations’ and ‘Inactive Configurations' to ‘Pending Configurations’ and ‘Complete Configurations'

  • Campaign selection (setup step)

    • Select ‘existing campaign’ should have advertiser filter first

    • Configration applying should be a 1 to 1 relationship, therefore the interface needs to change because you should only be able to select 1 campaign to apply the configuration to so no need for the ‘associated campaigns’ column on the listing. Users can then duplicate the campaign if they want to separate their lead delivery into multiple campaigns.

  • Dashboard

    • New column to show if campaign is ‘connected’

  • ‘Connect’ listing

    • Needs ‘domain’ column and ‘advertiser’ column


  • Potentially merge management screen with ‘dashboard’ somehow, maybe new tab?

    • Instead, have indicator on dashboard that campaign is ‘connected’

titleneed more info


  • Terminology change for ‘Active Configurations’ and ‘Inactive Configurations'

    • Arunima suggested changing ‘Inactive’ to ‘Completed’ or ‘Pending Changes’ or ‘Action Required’?

  • Development things to talk to rokas aboutMultiple ‘connect’ campaigns scenario

    • If a campaign with a configuration applied is duplicated, will it also be ‘linked’ to the recieving leads enterprise and receive leads?

  • Changing the campaign to apply the configuration to

    • In the ‘configure’ dialog, the chosen campaign can be changed?

    • Or once it’s applied, then it cannot be changed and the link between the campaign and the configuration is permenant?

      • If this is the case, what happens if a customer accidentally chooses the wrong campaign to apply it to? Because the campaign link is permanent, they can’t change the campaign?

  • Handing of updates

    • if

      If a configuration change is made


      on recieving leads enterprise (i.e. a job is updated, job is added, job is removed) how do we track and send this across enterprises? Via job id?

  • In mappings, currently can only reference fields in processr once a lead is in because the fields come from the lead data

    • Can we change behaviour so fields come from associated form on the campaign?

      Dropdown of fields in integrations should come from forms (value transforms is an issue?)

      Therefore a lead does not have to be submitted before fields can be referenced in any mappings.

titleTO DO

  • ‘Configure’ step 2, for ‘validation lists’ values will not be shown in column because there could be too many to show

    • But if we have ‘view details’ then it could have table with pagniation of values

  • New step to include ‘integration’ configuration?

  • Listing needs ‘domain’ column and ‘advertiser’ column

  • Dashboard to have new column to show if campaign is ‘connected’

  • Step 1 select ‘existing campaign’ should have advertiser first

  • Step 1 setup, step 2 form mappingStep order changes

    • 1 is setup, 2 is form (which has mapping stuff)

    • Mapping is required on ‘form’ not on ‘job’

    • If select from linked enterprise then mapping is ‘done’ because sending enterprise has already done thisthe mapping

    • If select own form, then mapping is required to map ‘local’ form fields to ‘linked enterprise’ form fields

    Step 1 - ‘select existing campaign' interface should only be a 1 to 1 relationship, so cannot add more than 1 campaign to assign a configuration to
    • Then on processr we could have a feature to ‘import’ all processr jobs from another campaign

    • So ‘associated campaigns’ no longer required

  • Configuration updates, e.g. on Configuration pending updates

    • On jobs step, have column for ‘type of update’ then highlight the jobs that have been added, changed, removed (tracked based on campaign ID)

  • Audit of changes

    • Details will be on system level

  • Campaign level connect integration

    • The ‘connect’ integration will be added, but without bits like API key and domain and this is done via credential manager

  • Domain column added

    • This means that users can add credentials for multiple enterprises and have campaigns from multiple sources come in, is there an existing customer that does this right now?

  • Mapping fields for QA jobs

    • If user selects ‘local’ form, map these fields to ‘linked enterprise’ fields

    • Option to select ‘none’ if mapping is to be done later




To be completed after this features release. The retrospective should allow a basis for further improvements to this feature.
