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🏠 Feature Overview
A A logged in user should navigate to Dashboard->Leads to view global leads listing table.
The following actions can be done on leads by the user:
Bulk Edit
Bulk Edit -Flag/Manage
Reprocess a Lead: when selecting the lead(s), user has the option to reprocess them and to re-run all of the ‘Processr Jobs’ and Value transforms for that specific lead(s)
Bulk Edit - Flag a Lead as Valid, Invalid or Test: when selecting the lead(s), they have the option to flag a lead as Valid with the option to select why it has been accepted if one of the options does not apply the user can as well specify their own reason. Once flagging a lead as valid the user additionally has the option to then decide which integration they would like to run.
When selecting the lead(s), they have the option to flag a lead as invalid with the option to select why it has been rejected, if one of the options does not apply the user can as well specify their own reason.
When selecting the lead(s), they have the option to flag a lead as a test with the option to select why it has been marked as a test lead, if one of the options does not apply the user can as well specify their own reason.
Bulk Edit - Mark a lead as Delivered and Undelivered: when selecting the lead(s), If the lead is valid and undelivered, they have the option to mark a lead as delivered which in hand marks the lead as billable to the advertiser. The user will need to sign and confirm before performing the action.
When selecting the lead(s), If the lead is valid and delivered, they have the option to mark a lead as undelivered which in hand marks the lead as not billable to the advertiser. The user will need to sign and confirm before performing the action.
Add/Edit Lead Data: ability to add lead data to an existing lead. When the user interacts with the lead they can click add and then input the additional data to the lead record. ability to edit lead data to an existing lead. When the user interacts with the lead they can click edit and then change the data on the lead record
Custom Tables and Column Filters: Current Status - Filter on lead status valid invalid test or caution
Campaign - filter by campaigns
Date. - filter between dates
Lead Generator - filter by publisher
Processor Status - Filter by the different statuses